App Getting Stuck with E/Com.Facebook.Internal.Attributionidentifiers

App getting stuck with E/com.facebook.internal.AttributionIdentifiers

this one worked for me

How to solve app launch - app is stuck on white screen

Try below:

1. In your app level gradle, you must have used implementation "[4,5)"

2. Try to remove this or upgrade to the latest sdk

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method setSkipClientToken(Z)V in class Lcom/facebook/GraphRequest;

We have fixed the issue by replacing

implementation '[4,5)'


implementation ''

in android/app/build.gradle file.

Posted this so someone out there facing the same problem will find the solution easily. It took me and my team around one and a half day to figure it out as there is no clear solution out there.

Solution Ref: here

App isn't responding once launching the app

It was this line, I tried this answer and it worked.!

E/com.facebook.internal.AttributionIdentifiers: getAttributionIdentifiers should not be called from the main thread


First check if firebase is setup correctly, like dependencies are correctly added, SHA1 key is added in firebase console. If this is all set right but you are still getting the same issue. then there is definitely something wrong with other SDK dependencies you have added in build.gradle. I was facing the same issue and after lot of debugging I couldn't get this resolved. Then I tried removing firebase dependencies entirely from project, built and ran, but strangely I was still getting black screen and app getting stuck. To my luck I could find that issue was actually lying with my facebook sdk version I had added which was causing the firebase issue. I updated the facebook sdk to latest version and issue got automatically solved. You can find more here:
App getting stuck with E/com.facebook.internal.AttributionIdentifiers

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