Why Is the Android Test Runner Reporting "Empty Test Suite"

Why is the Android test runner reporting Empty test suite?

You need to provide default constructor for your test class, for example:

package nilzor.myapp.tests;

public class NilzorSomeTest extends ActivityUnitTestCase<ActivityYouWantToTest>{
public NilzorSomeTest(){

public void testBlah(){

about your other questions:

  1. No. My tests still run without any annotations, but I guess it's a good practice to have them. It allows you to specify size of tests to run. See What is the purpose of @SmallTest, @MediumTest, and @LargeTest annotations in Android? for more detail.

  2. Yes, you need "test" prefix. InteliJ gives "method never used" warning when there's no "test" prefix, and skips that method during test run.

  3. Yes. I have my tests organized into subpackages and it seems to be working well.

Class not found: Empty test suite when running unit tests in Android Studio

I had a similar problem and it was because I first created an Unit Test with the same class name. When I created the Instrumented Unit Test I got the error.

To solve it, I went to Edit Configurations, on the left of the run icon. Then below Unit Test, it was the 'conflicting' class, which I deleted. Click on Apply/Ok. Then I right click on the class name, click on run and voilà, it works.

Why is the Android test runner reporting Empty test suite?

You need to provide default constructor for your test class, for example:

package nilzor.myapp.tests;

public class NilzorSomeTest extends ActivityUnitTestCase<ActivityYouWantToTest>{
public NilzorSomeTest(){

public void testBlah(){

about your other questions:

  1. No. My tests still run without any annotations, but I guess it's a good practice to have them. It allows you to specify size of tests to run. See What is the purpose of @SmallTest, @MediumTest, and @LargeTest annotations in Android? for more detail.

  2. Yes, you need "test" prefix. InteliJ gives "method never used" warning when there's no "test" prefix, and skips that method during test run.

  3. Yes. I have my tests organized into subpackages and it seems to be working well.

Why is the Android test runner reporting Empty test suite?

You need to provide default constructor for your test class, for example:

package nilzor.myapp.tests;

public class NilzorSomeTest extends ActivityUnitTestCase<ActivityYouWantToTest>{
public NilzorSomeTest(){

public void testBlah(){

about your other questions:

  1. No. My tests still run without any annotations, but I guess it's a good practice to have them. It allows you to specify size of tests to run. See What is the purpose of @SmallTest, @MediumTest, and @LargeTest annotations in Android? for more detail.

  2. Yes, you need "test" prefix. InteliJ gives "method never used" warning when there's no "test" prefix, and skips that method during test run.

  3. Yes. I have my tests organized into subpackages and it seems to be working well.

Android JUnitRunner Empty Test Suite: No Test Results

I got it to work using this:

public class NetworkAndDBInstrumentationTest {
//use the following annotation and declare an ActivityTestRule for your activity under test
public ActivityTestRule<RealmActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule(RealmActivity.class);

//use @Before to setup your test fixture
public void setUp() { }

//annotate all test methods with
public void testGetCrowd() {
Assert.assertEquals(1, 1);
public void tearDown() { }

Where RealmActivity is the Activity I want to test. Build.gradle and everything else is as in the question post. Now, a follow-up question: What does it matter that I make the @Rule with RealmActivity? Can't I use other Activities in that test? Can I make a Activity-independent test?

Android Studio 3.2 empty test suite

Looking at this bug report, I think it should be fixed in 3.2.1: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/115708445#comment12

Empty test suite error when running unit test case in intellij

Since you're trying to debug Cassandra. You can reference https://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/RunningCassandraInIDEA. They have already set up a ant target to generate required configurations.

Class Not Found: Empty Test Suite in IntelliJ

So, my issue here was with folder names. I had called my code folder Classes 2016/2017, which IntelliJ didn't like. Simply remove the slash (or other offending character in path), re-import the project, and you'll be good to go!

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