Could Not Access the Package Manager. Is the System Running While Installing Android Application

could not access the package manager. is the system running while installing android application

You need to wait for the emulator to full start - takes a few minutes. Once it is fully started (UI on the emulator will change), it should work.

You will need to restart the app after the emulator is running and choose the running emulator when prompted.

Error: Could not access the Package Manager. Is the system running? - At Android Studio

First make sure you are running Android Studio version above 0.3.2 because there was some issue reported regarding the same in AS 0.3.2 . If it is not you can update it from Help >Check for update.

If you are already running AS above 0.3.2 :

Seems like issue is with your emulator not with Android Studio. It may happen that you are trying to install application before even the emulator started properly.

Wait till the home screen appears in the emulator before trying to install any application.

Also try to install any apk in Emulator from command line

Steps to install

  • Go to $Android_SDK_DIR\platform-tools, right click there keeping
    shift key pressed and Chose "Open Command Window here".
  • Run command adb devices to make sure yout emulator is running
    properly. It will show all your running emulators.
  • Now if emulators are showing properly, type the command adb install
    , YOUR_FULL_APK_PATH is of any .apk file path in
    your system.

Please update if this works fine.

Travis CI Error: Could not access package manager. Is the system running?

Instead of

  - adb wait-for-device


  - android-wait-for-emulator

The android-wait-for-emulator script not only waits for the device but also for the boot animation too complete.

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