What Is Android Multidex

What is Android MultiDex?

Quoting the documentation:

Android application (APK) files contain executable bytecode files in the form of Dalvik Executable (DEX) files, which contain the compiled code used to run your app. The Dalvik Executable specification limits the total number of methods that can be referenced within a single DEX file to 65,536, including Android framework methods, library methods, and methods in your own code. Getting past this limit requires that you configure your app build process to generate more than one DEX file, known as a multidex configuration.

So, the feature is: it allows your complex app to compile. The scenarios for using it are when your app fails to compile due to hitting the 64K DEX method reference limit. This appears as a build error, such as:

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536

What is the Purpose of using multidex support library? [ I referred official android site for this.]

The purpose of this is to split up your Dex file into multiple Dex files.

The Dex file contains the compiled code of your application.

Android has a problem whereby there is an upper limit on the number of method definitions in a Dex file (64k). This means that once that limit is reached, you cannot expand your application any further.

Before multidex, it was advised to use ProGuard to reduce the number of method definitions by removing methods that aren't used in code. Especially useful when implementing the Google Play Services Framework.

Multidex was then introduced and allows Apps to continue to expand without worrying about method count limits. It does carry the danger of making the App more unstable. Therefore it is advised to try ProGuard first to reduce the method count.

Clarification on What happens after installing MultiDex

Multi-Dexing is enabled in your gradle and extended in your Application class.

This is used when you use over 64,000 methods.


I would say probably 90% of the time if you are hitting multi dex needs, you have likely not properly managed your dependencies. I'm NOT saying every time. However, typically the issue is people bring in entire Google dependencies instead of just the ones you need. For example the Google Play Services. If you include this, it will instantly force you into multi-dexing. However, this does come with a performance hit. You now have multiple dex files to load. There is some pre-dexing of course for things that will not change such as 3rd party dependencies to help your speed a bit on building and deploying. However, having multiple lookup tables comes with it's speed consequences. For example, if you included.


has about 44,000 methods alone in it, You should specify which one you want like


for example.
So before you go down the road of using Multi-Dex, ensure you have properly cleaned up your unused dependencies, and that you are properly managing your transitive dependency tree. Also don't forget to use ProGuard or the new D8 minification process as that may also help you, although may require you to run in Debug as well if you have that heavy of dependencies.

If you have done all that and you still need to use Multi-Dex (and I have run into this at larger companies that force tons of bloat libraries on you) then you go for it.

Now as for what is happening, well Dex stands for Dalvik Executable. It is the process of packaging the code into Dalvik bytes for execution. This is limited to 65,536 methods. They say 64k in the documentation, but everywhere I've read shows 65k+. Many of Google's libraries already contain 17k methods which puts you 1/4 of the way there right out the gate.

I believe the issue has something to do with the header allocation of 2 bytes per method signature and the lookup table. they are limited on number of unique IDs they can create. So it requires you to create multiple dex files with multiple lookup tables for the method signatures. So the short answer is, it makes multiple Dalvik Executable files to ensure unique method signatures are properly found and executed on the Dalvic Virtual Machine.

Other important things to note, is that prior to Android API 21, the Virtual Machine only supports 1 dex file. Therefore you need to do multi-dex install on your application onCreate to get the rest brought in properly. However, if you are using proguard, your additional dex files could have been removed so you may need to address a MultDexProguard file as well.

Now, it's important to realize that Android completely redid their Virtual Machine and no longer relies on Dex for their modern OS virtual machines. So then the next question is "should you still use it"?

Well if you are still needing to support pre-Lollipop, then you are better off leaving your multi-dex in place. Otherwise if you are Lollipop and up. Android uses ART (Android Runtime) and does not have this limitation. Honestly the population that has pre-Lollipop is so small that it is not worth supporting in my personal opinion, but it depends on your product and your needs.

Hope that helps shed some light on things here.

Happy Coding

What does multiDexEnabled true mean?

Android application (APK) files contain executable bytecode files in
the form of Dalvik Executable (DEX) files, which contain the compiled
code used to run your app. The Dalvik Executable specification limits
the total number of methods that can be referenced within a single DEX
file to 65,536, including Android framework methods, library methods,
and methods in your own code. Getting past this limit requires that
you configure your app build process to generate more than one DEX
file, known as a multidex configuration.

You should read official guide line about Building Apps with Over 64K Methods

How to enable multidexing with the new Android Multidex support library


Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher uses ART which supports multidexing. Therefore, if your minSdkVersion is 21 or higher, the multidex support library is not needed.

Modify your build.gradle:

android {
compileSdkVersion 22
buildToolsVersion "23.0.0"

defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14 //lower than 14 doesn't support multidex
targetSdkVersion 22

// Enabling multidex support.
multiDexEnabled true

dependencies {
implementation 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.3'

If you are running unit tests, you will want to include this in your Application class:

public class YouApplication extends Application {

protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {


Or just make your application class extend MultiDexApplication

public class Application extends MultiDexApplication {


For more info, this is a good guide.

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