Still Getting Warning:Configuration 'Compile' Is Obsolete and Has Been Replaced with 'Implementation'

Still getting warning : Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation'

I've updated from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 and the warning stopped appearing.

buildscript {

repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''

// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files

classpath ''

Error Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and api

I found a Complete solution for this issue. here is a simple explanation for changes in you build.gradle file.

  • You have to replace compile with api where ever you are using any api ref. like: volley, GitHub dependancy.strong text
  • You have to replace compile with implementation where ever you are using android library like play-services-maps,appcompat-v7 etc


Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'. Can some one help me out to fix this bug?

For Android Studio mainly you have to change this in your Gradle App level inside your build.gradle just change compile for implementation. For example:

dependencies {
compile ''

Should be:

dependencies {
implementation ''

Warning: Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'

i just update google sevices to last version and the problem fixed

Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'. Warning keeps coming up again and again

The problem is with jakewharton hugo plugin which I was using in the app

classpath 'com.jakewharton.hugo:hugo-plugin:1.2.1'

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