Raw Folder Url Path

Raw folder url path?

Uri video = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.cpt.sample/raw/filename");

Using this you can access the file in raw folder, if you want to access the file in asset folder use this URL...


Make sure you don't add the extension to the filename. E.g. "/movie" not "/movie.mp4".

How can I get file path on raw resources in Android Studio?

how can i get file path on raw resources?

You can't. There is no path. It is a file on your development machine. It is not a file on the device. Instead, it is an entry in the APK file that is your app on the device.

If your library supports an InputStream instead of a filesystem path, getResources().openRawResource() on a Context to get an InputStream on your raw resource.

android - how to get path of mp3 stored in raw folder

Is it possible to get file path by using R.raw.mp3file

No, because it is not a file on the device. It is a file on the hard drive of your development machine. On the device, it is merely an entry in an APK file.


  • Do whatever you are trying to do some other way that does not involve a file path, or

  • Use openInputStream() on a Resources object (you can get one from any Context via getResources()), and use Java I/O to copy the contents of that resource to a local file, such as on internal storage

Android how to get file path from /res/raw/

You can execute your bash like this:

BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(scriptFile));
String command = "";
List<String> commands = new ArrayList<>();
try {
command = r.readLine();
while(command != null){
command = r.readLine();

Process p = new ProcessBuilder().command(commands).start();
} catch (IOException e) {

And you can get the Uri of the raw resource in order to create a new File object:

Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.your.package/raw/filename");

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