Multidex Issue with Flutter

Multidex issue with Flutter

Your two packages seem to disagree on their transitive dependencies. One wants 11.6.+, the other wants 11.+ of some play-services dependencies. Since both 11.6.2 and 11.8.0 are out there, this is going to end up with a conflict.

If you run ./gradlew androidDependencies in your android/ folder, you get a listing of the result of dependency resolution, containing, among others, the following:

+--- :flutter_google_place_picker (variant: release)

These 11.6.2 and 11.8.0 packages are not going to work together. To resolve this, you need to patch your dependencies to be consistent with each other, or add a dependency override to the top level of your android/app/build.gradle file and hope for the best:

configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force ''
force ''

App requires Multidex support in flutter?

Have you tried "flutter clean" and then rebuild? You can let the Flutter CLI tool do it for you with "flutter build --multidex".

Flutter multidex problem With FirebaseAuth , Firestore and Google Sign in

In your app/build.gradle file inside your android folder , add this attribute multiDexEnabled.

         defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true

Don't forget:

flutter clean

Adding multidex support to Flutter

Finally, I fixed it with removing the CloudFirestore implementation. Seems there is a version bug at the time.

Flutter enable multiDex for SDK less than 21

Actually I need to create my own java class say like this.

public class MyApplication extends FlutterApplication {
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {

After this in AndroidManifest.xml file, change

android:name="" .../>


android:name=".MyApplication" .../>

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