Ics Android Enable Gps Programmatically

ICS Android enable gps programmatically?

is there a way to enable gps programmatically?

I hope not, as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK, all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS programmatically have now been closed.

am trying to enable gps and send the location of the device to an email

The user controls whether GPS is enabled or not.

Android device GPS on/off programmatically

From my personal experience, I am answering this,

  • The hack code you shown in the your question has been stopped working from Android version 4.4. Your will fire this Exception starting from Kitkat version java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast android.location.GPS_ENABLED_CHANGE

  • The First answer's code will not work any more, it only display animated GPS icon in notification bar.

  • For The security purpose Google developer has block above both methods which were previously working fine.

  • Hence conclusion is that You can not programmatically start GPS On or Off.

How can I enable disable GPS programmatically in Android?

Try using this code. It worked for me on all the versions.

public void turnGPSOn()
Intent intent = new Intent("android.location.GPS_ENABLED_CHANGE");
intent.putExtra("enabled", true);

String provider = Settings.Secure.getString(ctx.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED);
if(!provider.contains("gps")){ //if gps is disabled
final Intent poke = new Intent();
poke.setClassName("com.android.settings", "com.android.settings.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider");

// automatic turn off the gps
public void turnGPSOff()
String provider = Settings.Secure.getString(ctx.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.LOCATION_PROVIDERS_ALLOWED);
if(provider.contains("gps")){ //if gps is enabled
final Intent poke = new Intent();
poke.setClassName("com.android.settings", "com.android.settings.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider");

Programmatically turn on/off GPS on Android

No it is not possible. The closest you can get is firing an Intent that shows the GPS settings to the user. Please follow this guide: Guide for GPS intent Android

Start Gps without any popup dialogue

There are a lot of other threads discussing this, and the general consensus is that it shouldn't be possible, even though on some versions there are exploits that allow it.

However, this doesn't seem to be ethical, since you are violating your users privacy by not allowing them to choose whether or not they want to share their location.

How can I enable or disable the GPS programmatically on Android?

Turning on and off GPS programmatically in android 4.0 and above?

ICS Android enable gps programmatically?

turn on off GPS android

you cannot programmatically turn GPS on and off. the best you can do is send the user to the settings screen that allows them to do it themselves.

final LocationManager manager = (LocationManager) getSystemService( Context.LOCATION_SERVICE );
if ( !manager.isProviderEnabled( LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER ) ) {

there existed hacks to turn GPS on / off programmatically, but they work only in older versions of Android. even if you could, don't do this. the user may have turned off GPS because they didn't want to allow apps to track them precisely. it's extremely bad form to try and force change their decision.

if you require GPS to be enabled, check for it when your app starts and bail if the user won't enable it.

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