How to Find Android Source Code Online

Where can I find Android source code online?

Everything is mirrored on Some of the code is also mirrored on github.

Contacts is here for example.

Since December 2019, you can use the new official public code search tool for AOSP: There's also the
Android official source browser (based on Gitiles) has a web view of many of the different parts that make up android. Some of the projects (such as Kernel) have been removed and it now only points you to clonable git repositories.

To get all the code locally, you can use the repo helper program, or you can just clone individual repositories.

And others:

  • Downloading the Source Tree

Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file?

Simplest way: use the online tool Decompiler, upload the apk and get the source code.

Procedure for decoding .apk files, step-by-step method:

Step 1:

  1. Make a new folder and copy over the .apk file that you want to decode.

  2. Now rename the extension of this .apk file to .zip (rename from filename.apk to and save it. Now you can access the classes.dex files. At this stage, you are able to see drawables, but not the .xml and .java files.

Step 2:

  1. Now extract this .zip file in the same folder or a new folder.

  2. Download dex2jar (Don't download the code, click on the releases button that's on the right, then download that) and extract it to the same folder or a new folder.

  3. Move the classes.dex file into the dex2jar folder.

  4. Now open Command Prompt and change the directory to that folder. Then write d2j-dex2jar classes.dex (for Mac or Ubuntu write ./ classes.dex) and press enter. You now have the classes.dex.dex2jar file in the same folder.

  5. Download java decompiler, Right click on jd-gui, click on Open File, and open classes.dex.dex2jar file from that folder: Now you get the class files.

  6. Save all of these class files (In jd-gui, click File -> Save All Sources) by src name. At this stage, you get the Java code but the .xml files are still unreadable.

Step 3:

Now open another new folder

  1. Put in the .apk file which you want to decode

  2. Download the latest version of apktool AND apktool install window (both can be downloaded from the same link) and place them in the same folder

  3. Open the Command Prompt

  4. Now run command apktool if framework-res.apk (if you don't have it get it here)and next

  5. apktool d myApp.apk (myApp.apk denotes the filename that you want to decode)

Now you get a file folder in that folder and can easily read the .xml files.

Step 4:

It's not any step, just copy the contents of both folders (both new folders) to the single one


Where is the source code for Android's web browser?

It's in the Git repository:


The applications are now mirrored on github. You can find the browser here:

How to extract source code from installed app?

First you go to Android studio's welcome page there is a option to extract source code from APKs.

Another way is to install this apk extractor application from play store then you can extract source code from APKs Link :

How can I check out Android source code in Windows OS?

You can browse the android source code using their repository browser. If you want to check out a specific project (i.e. download the source), you will need to get the version control system Git. When you have Git running, you can either clone a complete repository using git clone or just get the HEAD (the most current version of all files, useful if you only want to browse through the source) by doing git clone --depth 1

The project name is the top folder you select on the repository browser, for example platform/packages/apps/Calendar for the Calendar app. Then the full command is git clone

How to browse Android source code at a particular version?

Try clicking on the platform/dalvik repository. Then scroll down to either one of the tags, or else the froyo-release branch (under Branches). Then just keep following the tree links until you get to the right directory. Then click on the the file you're interested in.


Where is the android verifier source code?

First off, the JVM and Android use completely different bytecode formats (classfiles and Dex respectively). Although they are similar, they each have different opcodes and encoding methods, and different capabilities and edge cases. There are tools to translate one to the other, but given the differences, you can't always translate everything exactly.

I haven't studied Android bytecode in detail since around 2016, but at the time, there was no support for invokedynamic at all*. Additionally, Android has had numerous verifiers - first there was Dalvik, but then that was too slow, so they moved to ART. They're supposed to be behave similary, but of course, each is an independent code base with its own assortment of bugs. (Incidently, on the JVM side there are also two verifiers, the old inference based verifier and the new stack map verifier, and they also have bugs of their own, though generally not as many due to not evolving as rapidly as Android was).

Anyway, it looks like the ART verifier source code is here.

*Edit: It looks like Android has since added the invoke-custom opcode, its invokedynamic equivalent. As with all things Dex, there are subtle differences between the two.

Fetching whole source code of a website android



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