How to Strip or Escape HTML Tags in Android

How to strip or escape html tags in Android

The solutions in the answer linked to by @sparkymat generally require either regex - which is an error-prone approach - or installing a third-party library such as jsoup or jericho. A better solution on Android devices is just to make use of the Html.fromHtml() function:

public String stripHtml(String html) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
return Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY).toString();
} else {
return Html.fromHtml(html).toString();

This uses Android's built in Html parser to build a Spanned representation of the input html without any html tags. The "Span" markup is then stripped by converting the output back into a string.

As discussed here, Html.fromHtml behaviour has changed since Android N. See the documentation for more info.

how to remove Html tag in android?

       html = html.replaceAll("<(.*?)\\>"," ");//Removes all items in brackets
html = html.replaceAll("<(.*?)\\\n"," ");//Must be undeneath
html = html.replaceFirst("(.*?)\\>", " ");//Removes any connected item to the last bracket
html = html.replaceAll(" "," ");
html = html.replaceAll("&"," ");

Here is a piece of my code.

Databinding remove html tags from string

You could try and use HTML escape codes:

<string name="underlined_text">This is a <u>underlined</u> text.</string>

I'd also question whether databinding is really required here - you can just use android:text="@string/underlined_text"

Edit: Also came across this answer which could be of use to you

Remove HTML tags from a String

Use a HTML parser instead of regex. This is dead simple with Jsoup.

public static String html2text(String html) {
return Jsoup.parse(html).text();

Jsoup also supports removing HTML tags against a customizable whitelist, which is very useful if you want to allow only e.g. <b>, <i> and <u>.

See also:

  • RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
  • What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?
  • XSS prevention in JSP/Servlet web application

Android: Strip all html except for img tags

This is a bit hacky but it does the job:

  • Substitute all img tags for some special string so the stripping function can't see them
  • Strip out all HTML
  • Substitute the special string for the img tags to get them back.

    String stripHTMLtagsExceptIMG(String htmlString)
    String subbed = htmlString.replaceAll("< *[iI][mM][gG]", "_iimmgg");
    String stripped = android.text.Html.fromHtml(subbed).toString();
    String unsubbed = stripped.replaceAll("_iimmgg", "<img");

    return unsubbed;

Remove HTML tags while reading XML data on Android

Find your answer here:
How to strip or escape html tags in Android

In short Html.fromHtml(stringToEscape).toString()

Android formatting xml string loses its html tags

use Html.fromHtml


when you apply the formatting, the CharSequence is converted back to String, and you need the Spannable with the html information.

From the doc:

Sometimes you may want to create a styled text resource that is also
used as a format string. Normally, this won't work because the
String.format(String, Object...) method will strip all the style
information from the string. The work-around to this is to write the
HTML tags with escaped entities, which are then recovered with
fromHtml(String), after the formatting takes place.

try with <b> in place of <b> and with </b> in place </b>

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