Having Issue on Real Device Using Vector Image in Android. Svg-Android

Having issue on Real Device using vector image in android. SVG-android

On newer devices that have hardware rendering turned on by default, you need to explicitly turn on software rendering.

imgView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

I suspect this is probably your problem.

Why my SVG image looks blurry in device API 16 and API 27

I have encountered similar issues before. In my case, it was due to having both SVG & PNG files with same name, under drawable folder.

As you can see below, I am having ic_content_paste_black_24dp.png & ic_content_paste_black_24dp.xml (SVG).

Sample Image

So when we specify:

app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_content_paste_black_24dp" />

System got confused & pick up the PNG file, as no file extension is specified.

Android should consider to allow specifying file extension to avoid such confusion.

Vector Drawable Render Issue on Lollipop Devices (API22)

Early versions of the Android VectorDrawable path parsing/rendering code had bugs. There were known bugs in rendering:

  • Relative paths commands (the lower case command letters). See:
    VectorDrawable renders differently in phone than in Android Studio
  • Arc path commands (A/a). See: VectorDrawable rendering issue

Finally, if your SVGs were made in Illustrator, try "Save As -> SVG" instead of "Export As -> SVG". See: VectorDrawable not rendering correctly on API 23

SVG image not displaying using the standard code

Your problem is almost certainly hardware acceleration. You may need to set the View LayerType to software mode.

See Having issue on Real Device using vector image in android. SVG-android

If that doesn't fix it, then it may be an issue with svg-android, which can have trouble rendering correctly anything other than simple SVGs. You might have better luck with my library AndroidSVG.

Using vector images with android:drawableTop before API level 21

There's no way to use it with the system TextView. (Relevant source code: 5.1.1 / 4.4.4)

You could use a custom View class, but at this point I think you are better off using a LinearLayout with an ImageView and a TextView.

Android Studio 4 incorrect vector drawable preview

This is probably because you have a non-default locale (to check run locale in terminal). In particular LC_NUMERIC. If that's the case, to fix the issue run the studio with e.g. LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8".

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