Android Studio- "Sdk Tools Directory Is Missing"

No Android SDK found SDK tools directory missing

I figured it out meanwhile but I forgot to update the question. Basically I had those issues because of the corporate proxy which was blocking some resources when installation was in progress.

The solution for me was to configure the proxy inside Android Studio under System Settings > HTTP Proxy. I have set it to Manual proxy configuration.

Besides this I also had to configure some security certificate inside the Java Version which was used by Android Studio. I used this code to do that:

The last thing was to run this: sdkmanager --licenses. I tried first in cmd but it was not working, I don't know for what reason but after I tried in Idea it worked.

After all of these, it worked. I had a small issue with the .. but it got fixed after I went in Setings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Instant Run and disabled Instant Run.

Error: SDK emulator directory is missing in Android Studio on Linux

Sorry for my bad English.

i had this problem in windows 10, but may be my solution works for you.

i search about this problem for 3 days! and found out this issue occurs because of:

  1. You are using bad VPN:

    for checking this run android studio and manually TYPE (in next item you will know why i am telling this) file address being download in browser. if you can download it, your connection has no problem.

    for example

    Android studio download progress image
  2. Your regional format is not to set English:

    as you can see in previous image, link contains a number (...addons_list-2) but because of regional format it not shown in English format and so it can not be downloaded. i used fiddler to recognize this; in fiddler link contained a "?" instead of "2"; so just change you regional format

Nothing to do! Android SDK is up to date. SDK emulator directory is missing

Delete everything first, everything in the user is in the Google file,
there are files for Android, delete them, the old Sdk and the program

C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Local\Google

C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming\Google

Now go to the Android page to download the Android, but the older version is from the archive

See the Android Studio release notes.
More downloads are available in the download archives.

And click on download from the archive or go to the direct link
Then look for the version Android Studio 3.6.3 April 17, 2020

Then click on it and download the appropriate version for your system

Now after the normal install
Download all the appropriate emulators and operating systems for you and all the tools you need
And in the end, go to updates and then to check update
To download the

latest version of Android 4.2.1

The problem returns,
but you will now have the required emulators, SDK tools and everything you need.

android studio error: sdk tools directory is missing

I've checked alot of similar questions on stackoverflow and nothing helps. I don't know about Iran but I'm under google sanctions. I just used vpn at the same situation and 'Android Studio - SDK manager' shows me available package so I'm installing now.
P.S. I using TouchVPN on Win10
P.S.S so packages were not installed previously as it trying to download from * and this is not available due to code 403.

SDK tools directory is missing when launching Android Studio on my mac

I would say that you reinstall Android Studio after checking the SDK Manager at first. The SDK Path may also be corrupted, so check that.

Android/Sdk is missing a Tools folder, meaing no sdkmanager, meaning Android license status unknown error

I'm facing the same issue too on MacOS.

I just downloaded the Android Studio today (android-studio-ide-192.6241897-mac) and the /tools folder is missing for me too.

The only way I can see an 'sdkmanager' inside the 'Android/' directory is when I install cmdline-tools and find it in the bin folder. but that doesn't solve the problem.


Found the solution.
Apparently, the 'tools/' folder doesn't exist in the latest Android Studion build.

You can still install the SDK tools using the SDK manager in the Android studio.

Open the SDK manager and go to the 'SDK Tools' tab. On the bottom uncheck the 'Hide Obsolete packages' checkbox.

After doing that an option to install the 'Android SDK Tools (obsolete)' package will appear.

Install them and run the flutter doctor again.
And it works after accepting the licenses

Android SDK Tools option is missing from SDK Manager in Android Studio 3.6.1

I'm using Linux but I guess the problem might be the same.

Launch Android Studio and go to "SDK Manager" - you can launch it after creating a blank project and going "Tools -> SDK Manager" under the "AVD Manager" option. In the new window open "System Settings -> Android SDK". From there pick "SDK Tools". Now you need to uncheck the "Hide Obsolete Packages" option in the bottom of the window. Now there should appear a new option: "Android SDK Tools (Obsolete)" - check that, hit "Apply" - it will download the files and "Tools" folder will appear in the Android folder. Then simply run "flutter doctor" in the terminal and you should be asked to accept some licenses - simply run:

$ flutter doctor --android-licenses

It helped me. I don't know why this option went obsolete when Flutter requires it anyway. Check the settings printscreen.

Sample Image

Android sdk is missing, out of date or corrupted (SDK tools directory is missing)

just download the latest api (API 27) and your desired android version.
Sample Image

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