Google Map Android API V2 Can't Display Map in Play Store Application

Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store application

What type of keystore you are using? there are two keys. Debug and release key. If you use debug key and uploaded in android market, map will look blank. Use release key when you signed your apk.

Release key procedure

Step 1:

Say for example your apk name is A and you are signing and creating a keystore for A.apk ie A.keystore will be created in some drive location.Let's consider it in E drive.

step 2:

Now locate to jdk in C drive(Considering for windows and assigning C drive)

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin>keytool -list -v -keystore E:\A.keystore -alias A

So it will create SHA-1 finger print.

Not work Google Map Android API v2 can't display map in play store

The Map API in the API console is associated with a signing key.

Look under credentials.

Your production application is probably signed with a different key than the one you are using for test.

You need to make sure the the key in you manifest for the API references the API key that
matches your signing key.

If the map key in the manifest is not created using the production signing key you will end up with a blank screen.

Google maps V2 - Authorization failure, I can't display map


Put on the Manifest the "Key for browser apps (with referers)" instead of the "Key for Android apps (with certificates)" from the Google API Console

Android - Google Map doesn't display

Please check..

  1. check if the "libs" folder containing the "android-support-v4.jar" exists in your project. "android-support-v4.jar" is located in "/extras/android/compatibility/v4/android-support-v4.jar" under your "android-sdk" drectory.

  2. Before running your project, you must set your project Build target to "Google APIs", not Android x.x. version : Select your project and click Project > Properties > Project Build Target in Eclipse and select any "Google APIs ", and then run your project on your phone. If you use the emulator, also MUST set the AVD of the emulator to the any "Google APIs ".

  3. Once more, you don't need to create the new Google Maps API key in order to test your project, Just use the default provided API key, which is shown as "Key for browser apps (with referers) "in your Google APIs Console.

  4. Finally, the most important is to add Google Play services as an Android library project as follows:

Select File > Import > Android > Existing Android Code Into Workspace and click Next. Select Browse..., enter /extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib, and click Finish.

Google Maps not loading after publishing on play store even after updating SHA 1 fingerprint for release key

If u have enabled the App Signing Feature in the Developer Console, then it's clearly written in the documentation that the Upload Certificate is only needed by Google for authentication and that upload certificate is removed before installing the application on the user's phone. So, u also need to give the App Signing Certificate SHA under the key which you have enabled for Google Maps API.
The App Signing Page is as I have attached the screenshot for your convenience...
In the image I have marked which you need to give as additional credentials

Sample Image

Android SDK Google Maps does not show map in production mode

You were all right, this is what i did:

  • I did create an API Key with my debug.keystore SHA1 fingerprint.
  • I did create an APK file and signed it with my .jks file which android studio did create for me
  • I did deploy that APK and Maps could not be displayed

To fix it:

Get the SHA1 fingerprint of the jks file with the following command:

keytool -v -list -keystore /path/to/my.jks
  • Created new API Key on Google
  • Saved new API key to my manifest.xml
  • Upload new APK


Google map not showing when app is downloaded from playstore but showing fine when installed directly signed apk

I recently Upload the APK on Google Play store and I faced the same issue after checking the Play Console I found the solution for this problem.

Their is no problem with your key but the problem is with your SHA-1. You signed your APK with your SHA-1 that is fine and then upload the APK it also fine.

But as per the new update for Play Console when you signed your APK with SHA-1 and upload the APK it only signed by you but as per the new update it is also signed by Google Play for more security. Have a look here some part of Google Play section:

With Google Play App Signing: You sign your app with your upload key.
Then, Google verifies and removes the upload key signature. Finally,
Google re-signs the app with the original app signing key you provided
and delivers your app to the user.

You can refer Documentation here.

Now, The Answer of your question is After successfully upload the APK you can see that in the section with Two SHA-1 the 1st SHA-1 is Google created its own and 2nd SHA-1 is its yours.

So just copy the Google SHA-1 and paste it to your console where you generate the Google Map API Key.

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