How Can Retrofit 2.0 Parse Nested JSON Object

Parse a nested json with retrofit 2.0

Root node of your json is not array, but you declared it as List<responseStatus> at interface getPost. So you need to use responseStatus instead current one. And use gettter to access data

private ArrayList<retroPost> data;

which is array

How can Retrofit 2.0 parse nested JSON object?

Assuming your complete JSON looks like

"title": "Recent Uploads tagged android",
"link": "",
"description": "",
"modified": "2015-10-05T05:30:01Z",
"generator": "",
"items": [
"member1": "memeber value",
"member2": "member value"
"member1": "memeber value",
"member2": "member value"

So Pojo classes would be

public class MainPojo {
private String title;
private String description;
private String link;
private String generator;
private String modified;
private ArrayList<Items> items;

// Getters setters

public class Items {
private String member2;
private String member1;

// Getters setters

Note : This is similar solution for your JSON. Members of can be changed if JSON has other keys.

Update for Pojo as new JSON

public class Items {
private String tags;
private String author;
private String title;
private String description;
private String link;
private String author_id;
private String published;
private Media media;

// Getters and Setters

public class Media {
private String m;
// Getters and Setters

How to parse nested JSON object with Retrofit/Moshi

I found out the reason why I was not getting any response.
In my UpdateFragment, I'm doing this:

            //Get description and image from API
mBookViewModel.response.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {
println("Get resp " + it)

//Create book object
val updatedBook = BookItem(,

//update current book

Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "Updated book successfully!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

//navigate back

I am navigating back to another fragment before I can observe any changes from the HTTP response. This causes the observer to stop observing any changes, and thus I can't get a response. I just need to put my code inside the callback, so I can do something with the data I received. Like so:

            //Get description and image from API
mBookViewModel.response.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {
println("Get resp " + it)

//Create book object
val updatedBook = BookItem(,

//update current book

Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "Updated book successfully!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

//navigate back

Hopefully this helps out anyone who has just started out learning LiveData and using HTTP requests.

Retrofit 2.0 nested json with different subtypes

set your data variable datatype Map<String, Champion> instead of setting it object or List and add below getter method into your model to retrieve List<Champion>

public List<Champion> getChampions(){
if(data != null){
return new ArrayList<Value>(data.values());
return null; // you can set return new ArrayList<>(); to avoid null exception

Retrofit 2.0 Can't parse Json nested object

Why are you defining two fields with the same name (="name")?
BTW,Your class should be something like this:

public class Repo{
private long id;
private String name;
private String full_name;
private Owner owner;
private Parent parent;

public class Parent{
private String name;
private String full_name;
private Owner owner;

public class Owner{
private long id;
private String login;

how to retrieve nested json object with retrofit?

Two ways:

  1. make contact and location an inner class (same file), but the fields will still not be easily accessed from outside.

  2. you can instead create a method to access the attributes in contacts from Address.

I use to auto generate the files below

public class Address {

// create a method here to get first/last name
public String getFirstName(){
return primaryContact==null? "" :
// do the same for which ever inner attributes you like to access.

private String name;
private String address;
private Location location;
private String email;
private PrimaryContact primaryContact;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public String getAddress() {
return address;

public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;

public Location getLocation() {
return location;

public void setLocation(Location location) {
this.location = location;

public String getEmail() {
return email;

public void setEmail(String email) { = email;

public PrimaryContact getPrimaryContact() {
return primaryContact;

public void setPrimaryContact(PrimaryContact primaryContact) {
this.primaryContact = primaryContact;


package com.example;


public class Location {

private Double lon;
private Double lat;

public Double getLon() {
return lon;

public void setLon(Double lon) {
this.lon = lon;

public Double getLat() {
return lat;

public void setLat(Double lat) { = lat;


package com.example;


public class PrimaryContact {

private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String jobTitle;
private String email;
private String photo;

public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;

public String getLastName() {
return lastName;

public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;

public String getJobTitle() {
return jobTitle;

public void setJobTitle(String jobTitle) {
this.jobTitle = jobTitle;

public String getEmail() {
return email;

public void setEmail(String email) { = email;

public String getPhoto() {
return photo;

public void setPhoto(String photo) { = photo;


How do I parse nested objects with Retrofit 2?

Your POJO class should be like below.

public class Article {

private Source source;
private String author;
private String title;
private String description;
private String url;
private String urlToImage;
private String publishedAt;
// your getter setter methods

Your NewsList POJO like below.

public class NewsList {

private String status;
private List<Article> articles = null;
// getter setter

And your source POJO like below.

public class Source {

private String id;
private String name;
// getters setters

Parsing nested JSON using RetroFit for Android

Turns out to be quite simple using the advice of @corsair992.

Create a custom deserializer to parse string into Json:

public class UserDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<UserModel> {
public UserModel deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type typeOF,
JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
String userString = jsonElement.getAsString();
JsonElement userJson = new JsonParser().parse(userString);

return new Gson().fromJson(userJson, UserModel.class);

then set it as a converter on your rest adapter:

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
.setConverter(new GsonConverter(new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(UserModel.class, new UserDeserializer()).create()))

That will now convert the string into Json and make it function with the model.

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