Google Drive API Doesn't Play Well with Proguard (Npe)

Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE)

A combination of the following has worked for me:

-keep class** { *;}
-keep interface** { *;}

-dontwarn sun.misc.Unsafe
-keepattributes *Annotation*,Signature
-keep class * extends {
-keep class** {

This provided a working proguard compatible solution for a recent Google Drive project.

Cannot take all credit for this solution though, originally found at this link here

How to configure proguard for Android application using Google Drive SDK?

Use the following in your proguard-google-api-client.txt to preserve the required attributes and class members.

-keepattributes Signature,RuntimeVisibleAnnotations,AnnotationDefault

-keepclassmembers class * { <fields>;

-keep class** { *;}
-keep interface** { *;}

# Needed by google-http-client-android when linking against an older platform version

# Needed by google-api-client-android when linking against an older platform version

Android App crashes after proguard obfuscation (Google plus people search)

Can you try:

-keep class** { *; }

You can also check what gets taken away by looking at the proguard output files.

EDIT - Your problem might be similar to these:

  • Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE)

These are for Drive, but the location of the NPE is similar, and they provide a working proguard config you can start with.

ProGuard meets Drive API

I just found the reason why it failed.
Not proguard is the issue. I genereated a SHA-Hash and entered it in the Google API Console for my app. The release version is signed with another keystore and I had to generate another SHA-Hash for this version.

Android: Integration with google drive sdk doesn't work in obfuscated build?

This was fixed by adding the below to my proguard config, found in the following link. Given the error message, it was surprising this was an obfuscation issue.

-keep class** { *;}
-keep interface** { *;}

-dontwarn sun.misc.Unsafe
-keepattributes *Annotation*,Signature
-keep class * extends {
-keep class** {

Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE)

Google Drive API fails because library's function doesn't exist

If you are using googleapis of latest version (googleapis@26.0.1), the script of Quickstart has to be modified. Please modify as follows. For node.js, this is confirmed at not only Drive API but also other APIs. I think that the document is not keep up with the updated library.

From :

var google = require('googleapis');

To :

var {google} = require('googleapis');

Note :

  • When you use googleapis with v24 or less, var google = require('googleapis'); can be used.

Reference :


If this was not useful for your situation, I'm sorry.

Files.List is empty but only when signed with release certificate

As per earlier comment:

Any chance Proguard kicks in when exporting your signed APK? If you rely on i.e. variable names to map the JSON onto POJOs, this is likely to brake without the appropriate Proguard exclusions/rules. Have a look in your file and comment out any lines in the form of proguard.config=<file_name>. After that, export another signed APK and retest.

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