Failed to Find Build Tools Revision 23.0.1

Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

I faced the same problem and I solved it doing the following:

Go to /home/[USER]/Android/Sdk/tools
and execute:

$android list sdk -a

Which will show a list like:

  1. Android SDK Tools, revision 24.0.2
  2. Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.0.2
  3. Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.0.1

... and many more

Then, execute the command (attention! at your computer the third option may be different):

$android update sdk -a -u -t 3

It will install the 23.0.1 SDK Platform-tools components.

Try to build your project again.

Failed to find Build Tools Revision 23.0.3

Edit the build.gradle app file and change the buildToolsVersion to the version you have

Android Studio error Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted

First of all, I faced this issue in Android Studio 4.2.2 and you do not need to downgrade the SDK build tool from 31 to 30 or change compile SDK version.

The main problem is the two files missing in SDK build tool 31 that are:

  1. dx.bat
  2. dx.jar

The solution is that these files are named d8 in the file location so changing their name to dx will solve the error.

The steps are below.

For Windows

  1. go to the location

  2. find a file named d8.bat. This is a Windows batch file.

  3. rename d8.bat to dx.bat.

  4. in the folder lib ("C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\31.0.0\lib")

  5. rename d8.jar to dx.jar

Remember AppData is a hidden folder. Turn on hidden items to see the AppData folder.

For macOS or Linux

# change below to your Android SDK path
cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0 \
&& mv d8 dx \
&& cd lib \
&& mv d8.jar dx.jar

Now run your project.

React Native on Android failed to find Build Tools

Probably you need to update your Build Tools.

I faced the problem when I tried to update from the graphic interface, it didn't show the exact minor version, so I couldn't update to it.

It was solved by looking at the available versions from the terminal with:

android list sdk -a

Packages available for installation or update: 156
1- Android SDK Tools, revision 24.4
2- Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.0.1
3- Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.1 rc1
4- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.1


And installing the right version with:

android update sdk -a -u -t 4

Flutter build returns Failed to find Build Tools revision 28.0.3

It was because of network blocked non secured HTTP download request. I changed my network and the Gradle build completed itself.

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