Disable Back Button in Android

Is it possible to completely disable the back button in android application?

Yes it is possible.

For a single activity, you need to do the following

public void onBackPressed() {
if (!shouldAllowBack()) {

where shouldAllowBack() will have the logic whether back is allowed or not.

For disabling it through out the application, Just create a parent activity and extend from it in your other activities. Add the above code in the parent activity and you just need to return from onBackPressed() method. You can refer this example here to know that how to extend an activity.

How to deactivate or override the Android BACK button, in Flutter?

The answer is WillPopScope. It will prevent the page from being popped by the system. You'll still be able to use Navigator.of(context).pop()

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new WillPopScope(
onWillPop: () async => false,
child: new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("data"),
leading: new IconButton(
icon: new Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),

how to disable back button in android

public void onBackPressed() {
// do nothing.

Android Disable back button

you can use this code for onback button click to intent another activity.

public void onBackPressed() {
Intent intent=new Intent(Caly_act.this,MainActivity_tab.class);

jetpack compose disable back button

You should set enabled to true for taking control of back button. Then call BackHandler from the current destination in your NavHost

navController = navController,
startDestination = startDestination
) {

route = "Your Destination Route"
) {

BackHandler(true) {
// Or do nothing
Timber.e("Clicked back")


How to disable back button functionality until a task is completed inside a fragment?

You could create a boolean variable to handle this. So in your Activity you can declare it like this:

var shouldGoBack: Boolean = false

And then you override your onBackPressed method to go as follows

override fun onBackPressed() {

Finally you access the variable on your Fragment and set it to true once the coroutine is done like this:

(activity as YourActivity).shouldGoBack = true

Let me know if it works!

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