Java.Lang.Classnotfoundexception After Changing Nothing in the Project But Upgrading Eclipse Android Sdk

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk

Right click on your project goto properties. Java Build Path. Choose Order export tab. Make sure that Android Private Libraries is selected. If you have referenced library project. do the same for the library project also. Clean and Build.

Also goto android sdk manager and check that you have the android sdk build tools installed. This many not be necessary but make sure you have android build tools installed.

Get NoClassDefFoundError since Update Support Library v4 r13

To solve this situation, I tried the answer in this link: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk

Thanks to @Raghunandan comment!

Android R cannot be resolved after importing Google Play Services

Found it:

the SDK was already updated, but the device settings were changed somehow (now it was compiling for android 4.2.2 instead of 4.0.3) and when I cleaned the project, it updated some code I didn't notice, when setting the 4.0.3 build target again it wouldn't compile nor generate the file (giving me loads of errors).

So what I did was change the project build target to 4.0.3 again, but I must have missed some lines of code that were updated to the 4.2.2 target... (leading to the R file not being generated, leading to more errors that were leading to more errors... just a vicious circle)

I didn't exactly remember what line caused the error, I was too happy it was solved I guess :)

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