Can't Upgrade Android Sdk Tools

Can't upgrade Android SDK Tools

Extracted from here:


  1. make a copy of the tools directory and call this new directory tools2.
  2. DO NOT USE 'SDK Setup.exe'.
  3. Instead open up a cmd.exe window as administrator and run the following from this new tools2 directory (obviously the full path on your local machine
    will be different):
    J:\android-sdk-windows>tools2\android.bat update sdk

Basically, as noted before in this thread, 'SDK Setup.exe' invokes
tools\android.bat, which makes it impossible for it to rename the
tools directory thereafter. It's a bit goofy and should never have
passed QA validation..

Can't upgrade Android SDK Platform-tools

This isnt an update, it is a new version- in the "rev" column of the SDK manager look for the 19.1 version, its definitely there. Check it and download it. I did exact same thing this morning.

You want Android SDK Build-Tools rev 19.1

Can't update \tools - Android SDK Command Line Tools for Windows

Yeah that's quite funny. A way to do that is to copy the tools folder to another place (let's say C:\temp\). Then direct into the C:\temp\tools\bin\, open the cmd prompt there and run your update commands as such:

sdkmanager.bat --sdk_root=sdkRootPath --command

Where sdkRootPath is path to your original SDK folder (C:\testinstall\sdk\). Once that is done, delete the C:\temp\tools\ copied folder.

Android: trouble updating to Android SDK Tools, revision 7

I think they fixed this problem in the later version of the tools, but I ran into this a while back. Here's what I did:

  1. Copied tools\ to scrap\ within the SDK directory
  2. Ran android from the scrap\ directory
  3. Did the upgrade
  4. Deleted the scrap\ directory when done

I might have had to also change environment variables (e.g., PATH) that had been pointing to tools\ to point to scrap\ during this process -- I'm a bit fuzzy on the details.

Unity: Build failure, unable to update the SDK

Try installing Android SDK into some folder that does not require administrator priviledges to access (something like C:\SDKs\android-sdk). It worked for me.

Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1

I viewed the Eclipse ADT documentation and found out the way to get around this issue. I was able to Update My SDK Tool to 22.0.4 (Latest Version).

Solution is: First Update ADT to 22.0.4(Latest version) and then Update SDK Tool to
22.0.4(Latest Version)

The above link says,

ADT 22.0.4 is designed for use with SDK Tools r22.0.4. If you haven't
already installed SDK Tools r22.0.4 into your SDK, use the Android SDK
Manager to do so

What I had to do was update my ADT to 22.0.4 (Latest Version) and then I was able to update SDK tool to 22.0.4. I thought only SDK Tool has been updated not ADT, so I was updating the SDK Tool with Older ADT Version (22.0.1).

How to Update your ADT to Latest Version

  1. In Eclipse go to Help
  2. Install New Software ---> Add
  3. inside Add Repository write the Name: ADT (or whatever you want)
  4. and Location:
  5. after loading you should get Developer Tools and NDK Plugins
  6. check both if you want to use the Native Developer Kit (NDK) in the future or check Developer Tool only
  7. click Next
  8. Finish

Cannot upgrade Android SDK

I have had this problem on Windows too. Instead of updating it through Eclipse, try the stand-alone option:

  1. Close Eclipse
  2. Open a Command Prompt window (ideally in
    Administrator mode)
  3. Run the command "android"

If you have the SDK tools directory in your path it will open the same UI you get in Eclipse but without additional file locking. If it is not in your path have a look in C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools and run "android.bat" from there.

Also, once you have updated the SDK, don't forget to fire up Eclipse and, on the Help menu, click "Check for Updates". You may well find the ADK Eclipse plugin needs to be updated too - this often goes in step with SDK updates.

SDK Manager doesn't see new version of build-tools

Select Obsolete check box, as shown below

Select Obsolete check box

How do I install android sdk tools without automatically running update command?

What eventually worked was:

  • copying the entire contents of this folder from C:\Program Files\Android\Android-Studio\Sdk into C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

  • In environment variables, creating a new variable named ANDROID_HOME with the value set as C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

  • adding these new directories to the Path variable

    C:\Program Files\Android\Android-Studio\Sdk\tools\bin;C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools;C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools

  • The previous step causes this message to display on android studio setup wizard "An existing android sdk was detected. the setup wizard will only download missing or outdated components". Click on next and finish the wizard.

  • At the bottom of the screen, click on configure > project defaults > project structure. In the android sdk field, put C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk and click "apply" then ok.

Everything now works well

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