Android- How to Convert Android.Net.Uri Object to Java.Net.Uri Object

Android- how can I convert object to object?

You could use the toString method of the android Uri in combination of the String based constructor of the Java URI. auri = new ever); juri = new;

Android URI |
Java URI

Convert from URI to Uri and the other way around

Both snippets worked for me.


Uri newUri = Uri.parse(androidUri.toString());


URI androidUri;
Uri newUri = new Uri.Builder().scheme(androidUri.getScheme())

convert to

The problem you have is that a File must be a file on disk. That means the URI must start with file:/// Your URI doesn't. Either your URI is malformed, or it isn't to a local file. Either of those would need to be fixed.

How to convert to

If the scheme of the Uri is http or https, new URL(uri.toString()) should work.

If the scheme of the Uri is file, that may still also work, though I get nervous.

If the scheme of the Uri is ftp or jar, that may still also work, though we will wonder why you have a Uri with those schemes.

If the scheme of the Uri is anything else — such as content — this will not work, and you need to find a better library.

Convert to

To show image from drawables no need to use . do it as:

Uri uriImage = Uri.parse("drawable://" + R.drawable.icon_bar);  
imgLoader.DisplayImage(String.valueOf(uriImage), loader, iconBar_View);

How to convert Android Uri to Java URI

Got it figured out, I was able to get the real filepath of the Uri and then create the File:

Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://media/external/images/media/47");

String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
Cursor cur = managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null);
String path = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA));

mediaFile = new File(path);

Android: construct a File from an

How can I convert a URI like this to a
File object?

You can't, in a reliable, SDK-compliant fashion.

"If the table entry is a content: URI, you should never try to open and read the file directly (for one thing, permissions problems can make this fail). Instead, you should call ContentResolver.openInputStream() to get an InputStream object that you can use to read the data. "


You will need to modify the other code to accept and utilize an InputStream. Or, if the other code is supposed to be modifying the data, it will need to use an OutputStream, a topic also covered in the page linked to above.

Can't convert object of type java.lang.String to type getting value to object

There is no requirement to pass a class instance to Realtime Database using getValue(class) to get the data out of a snapshot. If you require some custom mapping to get data into an object, you can simply access the data in the snapshot as using data.getValue() with no parameters. If the child you queried has other children, it will return a Map<String, Object>. The keys of the map will be the names of the children, and the values will be the data. You can then convert any strings to an Uri if you want.

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