Android Navigation Architecture Component - Get Current Visible Fragment

Android Navigation Architecture Component - Get current visible fragment

I managed to discover a way for now and it is as follows:

NavHostFragment navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(;

In case of course you know it is the first fragment. I am still investigating a way without this. I agree it is not the best way but that should be something for now.

How I can retrieve current fragment in NavHostFragment?

Reference to the displayed fragment (AndroidX):


public Fragment getForegroundFragment(){
Fragment navHostFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
return navHostFragment == null ? null : navHostFragment.getChildFragmentManager().getFragments().get(0);


val navHostFragment: Fragment? =

Here nav_host_fragment is an ID
of the fragment tag in your activity_main.xml with android:name="androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment"

Android - Get current fragment

I'll use the supportFragmentManager as suggested

The findFragmentById was not working for it though, but this seen in another linked question goes well :

navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.fragments.first()

And then the usual

wantedFragment = navHostFragment.getChildFragmentManager().getFragments().first()

Android Navigation Architecture Component - Get current visible fragment

I managed to discover a way for now and it is as follows:

NavHostFragment navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(;

In case of course you know it is the first fragment. I am still investigating a way without this. I agree it is not the best way but that should be something for now.

In Android Navigation Architecture, how can I check if current Fragment is the last one?

You can compare the ID of the start destination with the ID of the current destination. Something like:

override fun onBackPressed() = when {
navController.graph.startDestination == navController.currentDestination?.id -> showQuitDialog()
else -> super.onBackPressed()

Hope it helps.

Android Navigation Architecture Component - Get current visible fragment

I managed to discover a way for now and it is as follows:

NavHostFragment navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(;

In case of course you know it is the first fragment. I am still investigating a way without this. I agree it is not the best way but that should be something for now.

Get current fragment displayed in FragmentContainerView from MainActivity

You could add a OnDestinationChangedListener to the NavController inside you MainActivity

navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
if( == {
button.text = "Save"
if( == {
button.text = "Edit"

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