Filter Output in Logcat by Tagname

Filter output in logcat by tagname

use this:

adb logcat -s "TAGNAME"

How can I filter OUT a tagname using adb logcat

logcat won't do it for you, but if you want the device to do the work, you could use adb shell:

adb shell 'logcat | grep -v <tagname>'

How to filter out a tagname in Eclipse LogCat viewer

Yes. Create a filter where the "By log tag" field is


where MYTAG is the tag you don't want to see. I am not a regexp expert (a "regexpert"? ;-) ) so there may be a simpler way to do that negation, but I just tried that and it works.

You can play around with the filter in the field just above the Log Cat message area, by entering filter strings there, like this:


which will show all messages except tags "DeskClock", "dalvik", and "wpa".

Android ADB Logcat : tag with colon

I have to say it's a good question. I checked the code for logcat and found out that the parsing code for filter expression in logcat.cpp.

int android_log_addFilterRule(AndroidLogFormat *p_format,
const char *filterExpression)
size_t i=0;
size_t tagNameLength;
android_LogPriority pri = ANDROID_LOG_DEFAULT;

tagNameLength = strcspn(filterExpression, ":");

if (tagNameLength == 0) {
goto error;

if(filterExpression[tagNameLength] == ':') {
pri = filterCharToPri(filterExpression[tagNameLength+1]);

goto error;


return 0;
return -1;

The key point is logcat use strcspn(filterExpression, ":") to parse a tagname, so basically I'm afraid it is impossible to filter a tag with colon using logcat. However, you can find other ways.

I think the DDMS in eclipse can use regular expression to filter tag field, so you can go with very complicated REs if you like.

"SomeApp\:Something:* *:S"

You can even try some OR feature like:


If you don't want to use eclipse, you can try to read out the log by your own code, and parse them into different log records and log field. Then you can write a simple script to filter whatever you want. Hope this can help you.

Filtering Logcat Logs on commandline

If you only want to show logcat for a specific TAG, do it like this:

adb logcat YourTAGHere:Priority *:S

The *:S is important, as it sets all other tags to silent. If I want to track only my MainActivity tag at Verbose level, the syntax would look like this.

adb logcat MainActivity:V *:S

I found no good way of filtering out tags with spaces. LegendryEagle works fine, but I was not able to filter out Legendry Eagle

How to exclude certain messages by TAG name using Android adb logcat?

If you are using adb logcat you could pipe it through grep and use it's inverted matching:
From the grep manpage:

v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.

For example:

$adb logcat | grep --invert-match 'notshownmatchpattern' 

You can extend this by using regular expressions.

Here is an example of such an expression:


This one would check for either of the given to occur, grep would then not list them.

How to filter logcat in Android Studio?

There are two ways to do this, both are in the Android tab at the bottom of the IDE (where the logcat output is displayed).

First, you can simply type something into the search box at the top and it should filter only messages containing the text you type.

Second, you can do advanced filtering by clicking on the dropdown at the top right, which should be displaying No Filters by default, and choose Edit Filter Configuration and specifying what to filter on. Using this method you also save the filters and can re-use them by selecting them in the dropdown.


Search & Filter Logcat

Setting custom filter in Logcat

I was able to solve this by switching the Log Level to verbose and removing the space from the TAG.

private static final String TAG = "LOG";
public void LOG_ENTRY(String what) {
Log.d(TAG, what);

custom filter

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