Missing Styles. Is the Correct Theme Chosen for This Layout

Android Studio: Rendering Problems Missing styles-correct theme chosen for this layout, Failed to find style with id

I was also facing the same issue. Please restart Android Studio by selecting the menu option "File" → "Invalidate Caches / Restart". For more details please follow the link:


Struggling with Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout? issue

So turns out my problem was in my code. My problem was that I've been setting question mark alone as a content of the string. And, as I was told, question mark is also the character which starts a theme reference.

Other words, my problem was caused by android bug.


It's worth noting that this bug has been fixed since then, so if you're still having this problem try updating your adt.

Android Studio Rendering Error: Missing Styles

Reinstalling Android Studio and right-clicking the shortcut to run the program as administrator sorted out the problem.

Android Studio Rendering Problems - Missing styles?

Android Studio uses the latest SDK installed to preview layout files. This can lead to preview errors due to missing styles - switching to an older API level (e.g. from 23 to 22) can fix this.

Missing styles in android

I was able to solve this issue by reverting back the android gradle plugin version from classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.0-beta4' to classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3' in the projects top level build file.

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