Androidstudio - Module Dependencies in Gradle

AndroidStudio - Module Dependencies in Gradle

You should put your library modules inside the Application Project. In order to specify a module dependency, simply:

  1. Right click on Application->Open Module Settings
  2. Click on the '+' icon
  3. Select the root directory for your library module you'd like to add.
  4. Follow the prompts

Then, this module will show up in your project. Then, you need to add it to Application as a library dependency. Once again, in your Module Settings:

  1. Select your Application module
  2. Select the Dependencies tab on the right
  3. Click the '+' icon on the bottom
  4. Select Module Dependency
  5. Select your desired library module

How to access dependencies of dependencies with gradle in android studio?

The answer is to use api instead of implementation in my shared module's 'build.gradle dependencies.

ie. I want api '' instead of implementation ''

Courtesey of Jaydip Kalani's comment and How do I share dependencies between Android modules

However as far as I'm aware there is no such thing as testApi to replace testImplementation.

Android Gradle include module dependencies in another module

In your Root Project -> build.gradle you should have something like:

allprojects {
repositories {

Add dependencies there!!


If you do not want all your modules to have the common dependencies but only specific modules then do this:

  1. Create a folder in your Root Project/gradleScript
  2. Create a .gradle file in this folder (e.g. gradleScript/dependencies.gradle)
    that looks like:

    ext {


    supportLibrary = '22.2.1'

    //Support Libraries dependencies
    supportDependencies = [
    design : "${supportLibrary}",
    recyclerView : "${supportLibrary}",
    cardView : "${supportLibrary}",
    appCompat : "${supportLibrary}",
    supportAnnotation: "${supportLibrary}",
  3. In your root project build.gradle add this line:

    buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
    classpath ''

    // Load dependencies
    apply from: 'gradleScript/dependencies.gradle'
  4. In your modules accordingly add this:

    // Module build file

    dependencies {
    compile supportDependencies.appCompat

Hope this helps!!!

Android Studio gradle modules dependency error

i solved it, there are three types of android modules :

  • Application module : contains code, resources and the build produces .Apk file
  • Android Library : contains code, resources and the build produces .AAR file
  • Java Library : contains code and the build produces .JAR file

    Application module can depend on the other two, i converted my shared module to android library type that solved it.

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