Delete a Folder on Sd Card

Delete a folder on SD card

You have to have all the directory empty before deleting the directory itself, see here

In Android, you should have the proper permissions as well - WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in your manifest.

EDIT: for convenience I copied the code here, but it is still from the link above

public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
if( path.exists() ) {
File[] files = path.listFiles();
if (files == null) {
return true;
for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
if(files[i].isDirectory()) {
else {
return( path.delete() );

How to delete folders in sdcard of file explorer?

Using adb command you can delete folders.

click Run - > CMD-> type adb shell --> cd sdcard -> rmdir {dirname}

Note : Make sure your dir should be empty.

For non-empty directory use.

click Run - > CMD-> type adb shell --> cd sdcard -> rm -r {dirname}

How to delete a folder and its content from SDcard on Android 10 and Android 11

I have to use

startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_STORAGE_PERMISSION);

To give the permission to delete the folder with

DocumentFile document = getDocumentFile(file, false, true);

How to delete a folder from sdcard when application is closed or uninstall in android

Yes finally i got the Solution of this Question..
For that i used a Alarm Manager service of Android.
Alarm Manager Service repeatedly perform the task in android.

So, I call Alarm Manager Service every 10 seconds and i find the recent apps if our application is running than we are not delete the folder. otherwise we delete the folder.
Alarm Manager Demo Code

From the above link you can do this. instead of notification code put your code(find recent app and delete the folder if it is not available in recent app.)

How to delete folders from SDCard during uninstalling of my app in Android?

Save it in your Apps Private Folder (/data/data/yourappPackege). This folder will be removed when uninstalling the App.

You can get your private Folder with the Method getFilesDir()
Other files can not be removed because your App does not "know" when it is being removed.

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