Firebaseinitprovider: Firebaseapp Initialization Unsuccessful

FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

I found the answer in The Google Services Gradle Plugin

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="default_web_client_id" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="gcm_defaultSenderId" translatable="false">1035469437078</string>
<string name="firebase_database_url" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="google_app_id" translatable="false">1:1035469437078:android:73a4fb8297b2cd4f</string>
<string name="google_api_key" translatable="false">AIzaSyFE3G2eN0XZPl-IeEvZhzKOAgC9vy9imVE</string>
<string name="google_storage_bucket" translatable="false"></string>












{YOUR_CLIENT}/oauth_client/[first client_type 3]

Unity3d FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

You could use Firebase Push Notifications without creation additional plugin. But the flow is a little bit tricky. Here are quick steps:

  1. In the Unity Editor. In the Build Settings select Google Android
    Project flag and Export your project. Make sure that your bundle id
    correspond to the bundle id at the Firebase Console.

  2. In the Android Studio. Import your Unity project. IMPORTANT: Don't
    Open, Import!

  3. Setup .gradle scripts and add google-services.json file as described here.

  4. Build project from Android Studio.

Android App, Firebase initialization successful but the website is still failing

Both your Smartphone and Computer Should be Connected to the Internet.
& If you are in restricted a restricted area you should use VPN on both.

App initialization very slow: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

I would suggest you to exclude the firebase group using gradle:

compile('') {
exclude group: '', module: 'firebase-common'

compile('') {
exclude group: '', module: 'firebase-common'

Or, simply apply a global exclude configuration, like this:

configurations {
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'firebase-common'

Hope it helps :)

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