Android.View.Inflateexception: Binary Xml File Line #12: Error Inflating Class ≪Unknown≫

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #12: Error inflating class unknown

The inflate exception is not actually the problem but really comes from another deeper issue in your layout that is then wrapped in an InflateException.
A common issue is an out of memory exception when trying to inflate an ImageView loading a drawable resource. If one of these resources has a high pixel resolution it would take a lot of memory causing then an inflate exception.

So basically verify that the pixel resolution in all your image drawables is just the minimum necessary for your layout.

MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr- GetXML() messing up my string!

Try replacing

 BSTR Markup;


 bstr_t Markup;

BSTR is pretty much a dumb pointer, and I think that the return result of GetXML() is being converted to a temporary which is then destroyed by the time you get to see it. bstr_t wraps that with some smart-pointer goodness...

Note: Your "SuperMarkup" thing did NOT do what I suggested. Again, BSTR is just a pointer, and doesn't "own" what it points to. bstr_t, on the other hand does. I think your GetXML() function is returning a bstr_t, which is then being deleted as it goes out of scope, leaving your BSTR pointing to memory that is no longer valid.

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