Benefit of Using Parcelable Instead of Serializing Object

Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object

From "Pro Android 2"

NOTE: Seeing Parcelable might have triggered the question, why is Android not using the
built-in Java serialization mechanism? It turns out that the
Android team came to the conclusion
that the serialization in Java is far too slow to satisfy Android’s
requirements. So the team built the Parcelable solution. The
Parcelable approach requires
that you explicitly serialize the members of your class, but in the end,
you get a much faster
serialization of your objects.

Also realize that Android provides two mechanisms that allow you to pass
data to another
process. The first is to pass a bundle to an activity using an intent,
and the second is to pass a
Parcelable to a service. These two mechanisms are not interchangeable and
should not be
confused. That is, the Parcelable is not meant to be passed to an
activity. If you want to start
an activity and pass it some data, use a bundle. Parcelable is meant to
be used only as part of
an AIDL definition.

what is difference between Parcelable and Serialization used in android

whether should i used parcelable or serialization technique for sending data from one activity to other.

If you are sending a non-primitive type data/Object to another activity through the intent you have to either Serialize or implement Parcelable for that object. The preferred technique is Parcelable since it doesn't impact the performance.

is it compulsory to use one of them for sending data from one to other. / when should i use them.

It is only compulsory/used for sending non-primitive type data objects.

and the exact difference between them and performance of both of them in java aspects.

Serialization does impact the performance. For more details check this link Android Parcelable and Serializable

What are the advantages of using parcelable?

While it takes a little effort to make a custom class implement Parcelable, the reward is that one can easily pass them as extras to a Bundle. A Bundle is a data container used for communication between various components in the Android universe, see also this guide on Parcelables and Bundles.

Consider the case where you want to pass an instance of a custom class from an Activity to a Fragment. A Fragment has an arguments Bundle which is customarily used for initializing the Fragment. (I suppose because the Bundle will still accessible if the user navigates away from the app and the whole app is stopped and restored from the back stack an hour later. On the other hand, any values passed in via the constructor will be lost if the Fragment did not save them in yet another Bundle in onSaveInstanceState())

So it's good if a value can be stored in an Bundle. Objects belonging to classes which implement Parcelable are of this type, together with primitive data types, some arrays, lists and serializable objects.

It's even more convenient if the value can be retrieved without having to do a class cast, that's why I prefer Parcelable over Serializable whenever possible:

Suppose we have two classes which implement Serializable respectively Parcelable.
And suppose we have a Bundle b = getArguments();

To retrieve the Serializable value, you need the following statement

SomeSerializableClass instanceOfSerializableClass = (SomeSerializableClass)b.getSerializable("keyForSerializableValue");

whereas for the Parcelable value you can write

SomeParcelableClass instanceOfParcelableClass = b.getParcelable("keyForParcelableValue");

In Kotlin we have one of the rare cases where the statement is longer than its Java counterpart:

val instanceOfSerializableClass: SomeSerializableClass? = b.getSerializable("keyForSerializableValue") as SomeSerializableClass

compared to

val instanceOfParcelableClass = b.getParcelable<SomeParcelableClass>("keyForParcelableValue");

Difference between Serializable, Parcelable in Android

Parcelable and Serialization are used for marshaling and unmarshaling Java objects.

More details :

Is parcelable worth to implement to pass data between activities?

Parcelable works always, all the time, on all devices. If it didn't, nothing would work. Android internals rely very heavily on Parcelable.

Parcelable will be a bit more efficient than Serializable but I seriously doubt that it would have much impact on your "user experience" (unless, of course, you are using it all over the place and serializing very large and complicated objects).

If you think you are having performance issues, then I would spend my available time profiling the application and gathering empirical data about where it is spending its time. IMHO replacing Serializable with Parcelable is a relatively low-level implementation optimization that is likely to give you close to zero perceivable performance improvement.

Difference Between parcelable and Serialization?

You should read a nice blogpost about it :

Advantages of Parcelable over JSON

I think JSON is by far the most convenient mechanism for typical POJOs; and it seems unlikely that performance should be significantly worse that with Parcelable. Parcelable implementation could be more compact; but if that is problematic, you could even compress cached JSON payloads. So I would probably try out JSON first and see how it works.

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