Html.Fromhtml Deprecated in Android N

Html.fromHtml deprecated in Android N

as @Andy mentioned below Google has created HtmlCompat which can be used instead of the method below. Add this dependency implementation 'androidx.core:core:1.0.1
to the build.gradle file of your app. Make sure you use the latest version of androidx.core:core.

This allows you to use:

HtmlCompat.fromHtml(html, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY);

You can read more about the different flags on the HtmlCompat-documentation

original answer:
In Android N they introduced a new Html.fromHtml method. Html.fromHtml now requires an additional parameter, named flags. This flag gives you more control about how your HTML gets displayed.

On Android N and above you should use this new method. The older method is deprecated and may be removed in the future Android versions.

You can create your own Util-method which will use the old method on older versions and the newer method on Android N and above. If you don't add a version check your app will break on lower Android versions. You can use this method in your Util class.

public static Spanned fromHtml(String html){
if(html == null){
// return an empty spannable if the html is null
return new SpannableString("");
}else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
// FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY is the behaviour that was used for versions below android N
// we are using this flag to give a consistent behaviour
return Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY);
} else {
return Html.fromHtml(html);

You can convert the HTML.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY into an additional parameter if you want. This gives you more control about it which flag to use.

You can read more about the different flags on the
Html class documentation

Html.fromHtml() is deprecated, what is the alternative?


  • Use Html.fromHtml(String) on all API levels, or,

  • Use Html.fromHtml(String) on API Level 23 and older devices, and Html.fromHtml(String, int) on API Level 24+ devices, using Build.VERSION.SDK_INT to find out the API level of the device that you are running on

In this case, "deprecated" is a hint to go look for the two-parameter method, but the one-parameter method still works and (in all likelihood) will do so for quite some time.

Android: remove deprecation warning for Html.fromHtml

Well, the one-parameter fromHtml() is deprecated. The Build checks ensure that you will not call it on older devices, but it does not change the fact that it is deprecated with a compileSdkVersion of 24.

You have four choices:

  1. Drop your compileSdkVersion below 24. This has rippling effects (e.g., you cannot use 24.x.x versions of the support libraries) and is not a great option.

  2. Set your minSdkVersion to 24 and get rid of the one-parameter fromHtml() call. This is impractical in 2016.

  3. Live with the strikethrough and Lint complaints.

  4. Add the appropriate @SuppressLint annotation to the method, to get the IDE to stop complaining. As Ahlem Jarrar notes, the simplest way to add this is via the quick-fix.

Html.fromHtml deprecated when setting action bar title colour

If your minSdkVersion is 24 or higher, use the version of fromHtml() that takes some flags as a parameter. AFAIK, FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY would be the flag value to use for compatibility with the older flag-less fromHtml().

If your minSdkVersion is lower than 24, your choices are:

  • Always use the fromHtml() you are, possibly using the quick-fix (Alt-Enter) to suppress the Lint warning

  • Use both versions of fromHtml(): the one taking the flags if your app is running on an API Level 24+ device, or the one without the flags on older devices

The latter would look like:

actionBar.setTitle(Html.fromHtml(..., Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY));
else {

(where ... is your HTML to convert)

Note, though, that if you are simply trying to change the color of the entire action bar title, use Sandro Machado's solution. Html.fromHtml() and similar Spanned-based solutions are for cases where you need different colors for different pieces of text within a single TextView (or something using a TextView, such as the action bar).

how to remove fromHtml deprecated worning using Annotation

You can suppress warning using Annotation. Just add @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") instead of @SuppressWarnings("deprecated"), and you won't see that warning anymore.

How to display HTML in TextView?

You need to use Html.fromHtml() to use HTML in your XML Strings. Simply referencing a String with HTML in your layout XML will not work.

This is what you should do in Java

textView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<h2>Title</h2><br><p>Description here</p>", Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT));
} else {
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<h2>Title</h2><br><p>Description here</p>"));

And in Kotlin:

textView.text = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
Html.fromHtml(html, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT)
} else {

Android: Html.fromHtml() method not working with standard Html tags

Html class provides limited to support of HTML elements. And "class" attributes are not supported.

To understand which tags can be used and how they will be rendered refer to source code (android 5.0.1 r1). You can provide custom TagHandler or use WebView to display complex HTML page.

Does the Html.fromHtml in android only works in displayed texts?

i think you should remove " ' " before you compare

String str = etU1.getText().toString().replaceAll("[']"," ");
String strTwo = cquestion.get(0).getAnswer().replaceAll("[']"," ");

////// do your logic

Html.fromHtml on Nougat doesn't call custom HtmlHandler

Html.fromHtml() will only invoke your TagHandler for HTML tags that fromHtml() does not recognize. In your sample HTML, you have:

  • <p>
  • <strong>
  • <u>
  • <span>

and in your first comment, you also mention div.

Of those, fromHtml() has handled <p>, <strong>, and <u> since at least 2010, if not earlier. fromHtml() in Android 6.0 also handles <div> (see lines 488-489 in the source), and I forget how back that support goes. Your TagHandler would not be called for any of these tags, and that behavior is not especially new.

Android 7.0 added support for <span> (see lines 804-805 from the 7.1 source), and so code that expected a TagHandler to be invoked for <span> would behave differently between Android 7.0 and previous versions.

In general, the list of supported tags is undocumented. Google is welcome to change the roster of supported tags at any point.

Your options are:

  • Live with it

  • Grab the source to some that you like, refactor it into your own package, and use that copy, modifying it as you see fit

  • Find some other HTML-to-Spannable source code that you like better

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