Android Studio: Cannot Recover Key

Android Studio: cannot recover key

I'm not surprised this didn't gain any traction, but here is what I did for anyone who stumbles onto this post.

As I said, all of my files were backed up. I restored the android.jks file from an older backup. Then, I opened a Terminal window and typed in the following:

keytool -storepasswd -new [insert new keystore password] -keystore [insert keystore file name]

keytool -keypasswd -alias [insert alias] -new [insert new key password] -keystore [insert keystore file name]

The keystore and key passwords have to be the same! This fixed my problem, and I hope it helps you too.

Cannot recover key while making signed apk

After a long time searching on the internet, I found a solution to my problem which did the trick.

keytool -storepasswd -new [insert new keystore password] -keystore [insert keystore file name]

keytool -keypasswd -alias [insert alias] -new [insert new key password] -keystore [insert keystore file name]

I just change the password of my KeyStore and KeyAlias and suddenly it generates the signed apk for me.

Cannot recover key / Failed to read key xxxxx from store C:\projects\......\keystore: Cannot recover key

You can use the commandline "keytool" to have a look at your keystores.
For example, try:

keytool -v -list -keystore yourbinaryfile.keystore

The error message should tell you what is wrong. If your binary file is not a keystore it should tell you. Otherwise, it should list the aliases of all the keys in your keystore and you can see if what you have written down the alias is, is still correct.

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