Android SQLite: Update Statement

SQLite in Android How to update a specific row

First make a ContentValues object :

ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("Field1","Bob"); //These Fields should be your String values of actual column names

Then use the update method, it should work now:

myDB.update(TableName, cv, "_id = ?", new String[]{id});

Update values of a specific column of a specific row. Android SQLite

The easiest way for you to achieve this would be to use a SQL update query as follows:

From the SQLite Web Site:

The SQLite UPDATE Query is used to modify the existing records in a table. You can use a WHERE clause with UPDATE query to update selected rows, otherwise all the rows would be updated.

The syntax for the update query is as follows:

 UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2...., columnN = valueN
WHERE [condition];

So in your case your sql update query would look some thing like this:


You can then execute your query by using the execSQL() method of your SQLiteDatabase object that you have and passing in the sql query above as the string parameter.

Android Sqlite update first row only

try this:

String strSQL = "UPDATE table SET column = something WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM table WHERE name = john AND age = 10 LIMIT 1)";

SQLite Update Statement Is Not Working

Use execSQL instead of rawQuery:

execSQL("UPDATE " + table_name_ + " SET " + current_stock + " = " + current_stock - sub_stock + " where item_name = '" + item_name + "'");

Difference between execSql and rawQuery:


Execute a single SQL statement that is NOT a SELECT or any other SQL statement that returns data.

It has no means to return any data (such as the number of affected
rows). Instead, you're encouraged to use insert(String, String,
ContentValues), update(String, ContentValues, String, String[]), et
al, when possible.


Runs the provided SQL and returns a Cursor over the result set.

using update statement in sqlite in android

You can update it using this code:


public class DatabaseCreator extends  SQLiteOpenHelper{

private static final String DB_NAME="database_name";
private static final int DB_VER=1;

private static final String TABLE_NAME="<table creation query>";

public DatabaseCreator(Context context) {
super(context,DB_NAME, null, DB_VER);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) {


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, int arg1, int arg2) {

database.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name");


Now use below code where you need to update the row:

DatabaseCreator dbcreator=new DatabaseCreator(context);
SQLiteDatabase sqdb=dbcreator.getWritableDatabase();

ContentValues values=new ContentValues();

int id=sqdb.update("table_name",values,"bookid='5' and booktype='comic'",null);

SQLite (Android) : UPDATE query with ORDER BY

As pointed out by many, this is definitely not the correct way to go.

But I found workaround in case someone else is looking for a similar implementation.

Here it is :

UPDATE myTable SET id = - (id + 1) WHERE id > 1;
UPDATE myTable SET id = - id WHERE id < 0;

This is a hack which I found here.

Again, this is not the correct way to go. But just posting a working solution I found.

Android sqlite database no such column when update query

During update your column name is not match with table actual column name. Try below:

String sql = "UPDATE PRINCIPAL SET selectname=?, eventname=?, eventorg=?, eventdays=?, eventstart=?, image=? WHERE id=? ";

There are two mismatch in column between create and update sql

name should be selectname

eventorganization should be eventorg

Also your table name PRINCIPALS not match with PRINCIPAL.

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