How to Find the Logs on Android Studio

How to find the logs on Android Studio?

On toolbar -> Help Menu -> Show log in Explorer or Show log in Finder (for Mac users).

It opens log folder, where you can find all logs.

Sample Image

How to read the STORED logs from an attached device in Android Studio

AFAIK, the Android System does not keep a Log File, rather it has a temp buffer which contains logs.

Approach 1:Write logs to file in internal storage through code

You need to write logs to the device by yourself. There are libraries like logback-android which can assist in doing so. You just need to create proper configuration in order to write logs on the device storage.

Approach 2: Write logs to file using adb command

Since you are connected through USB you can do

adb logcat -d > logcat.txt

The above command stores file on PC and not on device. Its in the same directory pointed by the command prompt

Approach 3: Use Android Studio

Connect your device to PC and run Android studio. At the bottom, you have logcat tab. You can view the logs and also save them to a text file.

Where are Gradle logs?

Gradle does not redirect its logs in a separate file in Android Studio.

Therefore if you want to view them in a file, you need to build gradle using a command in the terminal and redirect gradle input to a file.

gradlew build > myLogs.txt 2>&1

This command will redirect all standard output and error messages from gradle build to a file called myLogs.txt in the project folder.

gradlew build > myLogs.txt 2> logErrors.txt

This command will redirect all standard output from Gradle logs to the myLogs.txt and all error messages to logErrors.txt

Tested on Windows 10 and works perfectly.

Here is more information about how to redirect standard output from commands to different files.

Where can I print out logs to see immediately in Android Studio?

Use error log to print your stacktrace. Error log has less messages and you can easily find out your message. If you are using try/catch block:

//your code
catch(Exception e)
Log.e("error tag", Log.getStackTraceString(e));

How do I get the app log from a real Android device?

I've found a solution here:

The log file isn't created automatically. I have to write it myself by running logcat from the app.

public static void printLog(Context context){
String filename = context.getExternalFilesDir(null).getPath() + File.separator + "my_app.log";
String command = "logcat -f "+ filename + " -v time *:V";

Log.d(TAG, "command: " + command);

catch(IOException e){

Android: How to get the log of an app like when debugging in Android Studio?

Play app with cable pluged in first then unplug it and play with app.. again plug in back cable to your system you must see the previouse logs on android studio

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