How to Get Retrofit Success Response Status Codes

How to get Retrofit success response status codes

As per Retrofit 2.0.2, the call is now

public void onResponse(Call<YourModel> call, Response<YourModel> response) {
if (response.code() == 200) {
// Do awesome stuff
} else {
// Handle other response codes

Hope it helps someone :-)

EDIT: Many apps could also benefit from just checking for success (response code 200-300) in one clause, and then handling errors in other clauses, as 201 (Created) and 202 (Accepted) would probably lead to the same app logic as 200 in most cases.

public void onResponse(Call<YourModel> call, Response<YourModel> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
// Do awesome stuff
} else if (response.code() == 401) {
// Handle unauthorized
} else {
// Handle other responses

Android - get response status code using retrofit and coroutines

Your interface would look like this

suspend fun getArticles(): Response<Articles>

then you use like this

val response = service.getArticles()
response.code() //gives you response code
val articles = response.body

or easier solution is

if (response.isSuccessful){ // Successful is any code between the range [200..300)
val articles = response.body

Get response status code using Retrofit 2.0 and RxJava

Instead of declaring the API call like you did:

Observable<MyResponseObject> apiCall(@Body body);

You can also declare it like this:

Observable<Response<MyResponseObject>> apiCall(@Body body);

You will then have a Subscriber like the following:

new Subscriber<Response<StartupResponse>>() {
public void onCompleted() {}

public void onError(Throwable e) {
Timber.e(e, "onError: %", e.toString());

// network errors, e. g. UnknownHostException, will end up here

public void onNext(Response<StartupResponse> startupResponseResponse) {
Timber.d("onNext: %s", startupResponseResponse.code());

// HTTP errors, e. g. 404, will end up here!

So, server responses with an error code will also be delivered to onNext and you can get the code by calling reponse.code().

EDIT: OK, I finally got around to looking into what e-nouri said in their comment, namely that only 2xx codes will to to onNext. Turns out we are both right:

If the call is declared like this:

Observable<Response<MyResponseObject>> apiCall(@Body body);

or even this

Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> apiCall(@Body body);

all responses will end up in onNext, regardless of their error code. This is possible because everything is wrapped in a Response object by Retrofit.

If, on the other hand, the call is declared like this:

Observable<MyResponseObject> apiCall(@Body body);

or this

Observable<ResponseBody> apiCall(@Body body);

indeed only the 2xx responses will go to onNext. Everything else will be wrapped in an HttpException and sent to onError. Which also makes sense, because without the Response wrapper, what should be emitted to onNext? Given that the request was not successful the only sensible thing to emit would be null...

How to get https status code in Retrofit RxJava Android?

You should wrap your ResponseData inside Response as

Observable<Response<ResponseData>> observable = apiService.getData(); 

Then inside onNext

public void onNext(Resposne<ResponseData> response) {
int statusCode = response.code();

and for error

public void onError(Throwable e) {
((HttpException) e).code();

Retrofit 2.0: getting response code 200 but not getting the desired data

Sample Image

As per your log, API calls properly. It also responds. but the issue is API authentication is failed from your back end. Add log on your web service and check. From the application side, it is working fine. this is not an issue of Retrofit.

Update your onResponse() with below and run application. then test and let me know what message you get.

LoginResponse loginResponse = response.body();
String content="";
if (response.body().getResponseCode()==200){
content+= loginResponse.getData().getAccessToken();
content+= loginResponse.getData().getDisplayName();
content+= loginResponse.getData().getEmail();
content+= loginResponse.getData().getId();
content+= loginResponse.getData().getUsername();

Log.d(TAG, "onResponse: login res"+content);
} else {
Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Invalid response from server", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Below code in

private String msg;
public String getMsg() {
return msg;

public void setMsg(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;

how to handle 206 code with retrofit in android?

You can wrap your CompanyListRest response inside Response like below:


Response comes from retrofit2:

import retrofit2.Response;

So now you can check response code for 206 in onNext method:

public void onNext(Resposne<CompanyListRest> response) {
int statusCode = response.code();
if(statusCode == 206){
//do something...

To call this function again you just simply call this function again).
I would recommend you to have a repository where you can control all your requests.

Retrofit Coroutine Status Code 205 Body Null

Retrofit skips the converter if the status code is 204 or 205.

You can try adding an OkHttp Interceptor which would convert the server's 205 code to 200 before Retrofit works on it.

Like this:

class BodyInterceptor : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val response = chain.proceed(chain.request())

if (response.code == 204 || response.code == 205) {
return response
} else {
return response

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