Android Sdk Manager Not Installing Components

Android SDK Manager Not Installing Components

Try running Android Studio as an administrator, by right-clicking on the .exe and selecting "Run As Administrator".

Also, some anti-virus programs have been known to interfere with SDK Manager.

Unable to install some AndroidSDK components [Error: The Following SDK Components were not installed]

Check here
to see others who have had tag mismatch errors. Some have suggested it is a connection issue. (Meaning you should try changing the dns server to the public google one of OR It could be an ISP thing as well. You can also try a manual download from here

Although, you may have to add maven support as Google is no longer supporting downloading of libraries through the SDK manager. Check out Google's page on Support Library Setup for more details.

Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted error

You need to accept the licences before building.

According to Android SDK docs you can use the following command depending on the sdkmanager location: Docs on --licenses option seems to be missing though.

yes | sdkmanager --licenses

GNU/Linux Distributions:

yes | ~/Android/Sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses


export JAVA_HOME=/Applications/Android\
yes | ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses


%ANDROID_HOME%/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses


> flutter config --android-sdk 'path-of-android-sdk'(only for ubuntu user)
> flutter doctor --android-licenses

I am getting error cmdline-tools component is missing after installing Flutter and Android Studio... I added the Android SDK. How can I solve them?

The solution for me was opening Android Studio and going to SDK Manager, switch to the SDK Tools tab and check Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest).

Sample Image

Don't forget to add to your PATH the tools and platform-tools folder that are inside your SDK.

Flutter failed to install the following sdk components

To fix this you just need migrate to Ubuntu or Windows. That will definitely solve the problem

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