Webview in Scrollview

Android WebView inside ScrollView scrolls only scrollview

Here is the solution. Found online. I have subclassed WebView and i'm using the requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); method to allow my webview to handle the scroll event.


package com.mypackage.common.custom.android.widgets

public class TouchyWebView extends WebView {

public TouchyWebView(Context context) {

public TouchyWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

public TouchyWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
return super.onTouchEvent(event);

And in layout.xml


Webview in Scrollview

Update 2014-11-13: Since Android KitKat neither of the solutions described below are working -- you will need to look for different approaches like e.g. Manuel Peinado's FadingActionBar which provides a scrolling header for WebViews.

Update 2012-07-08: "Nobu games" kindly created a TitleBarWebView class bringing the expected behavior back to Android Jelly Bean. When used on older platforms it will use the hidden setEmbeddedTitleBar() method and when used on Jelly Bean or above it will mimic the same behavior. The source code is available under the Apache 2 license at google code

Update 2012-06-30: It seems as if the setEmbeddedTitleBar() method has been removed in Android 4.1 aka Jelly Bean :-(

Original answer:

It is possible to place a WebView into a ScrollView and it does work. I am using this in GoodNews on Android 1.6 devices. The main drawback is that the user cannot scroll "diagonal" meaning: If the web content exceeds the width of the screen the ScrollView is responsible for vertical scrolling at the WebView for horizontal scrolling. As only one of them handles the touch events you can either scroll horizontally or vertically but not diagonal.

Further on there are some annoying problems as described by you (e.g. empty vertical space when loading a content smaller than the previous one). I've found workarounds for all of them in GoodNews, but cannot remember them now, because I've found a much better solution:

If you only put the WebView into the ScrollView to place Controls above the web content and you are OK to support only Android 2 and above, then you can use the hidden internal setEmbeddedTitleBar() method of the WebView. It has been introduced in API level 5 and (accidentally?) became public for exactly one release (I think it was 3.0).

This method allows you to embed a layout into the WebView which will be placed above the web content. This layout will scroll out the screen when scrolling vertically but will be kept at the same horizontal position when the web content is scrolled horizontally.

As this method isn't exported by the API you need to use Java reflections to call it. I suggest to derive a new class as followed:

public final class WebViewWithTitle extends ExtendedWebView {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "WebViewWithTitle";
private Method setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod = null;

public WebViewWithTitle(Context context) {

public WebViewWithTitle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

private void init() {
try {
setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod = WebView.class.getMethod("setEmbeddedTitleBar", View.class);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "could not find setEmbeddedTitleBar", ex);

public void setTitle(View view) {
if (setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod != null) {
try {
setEmbeddedTitleBarMethod.invoke(this, view);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "failed to call setEmbeddedTitleBar", ex);

public void setTitle(int resId) {
setTitle(inflate(getContext(), resId, null));

Then in your layout file you can include this using


and somewhere else in your code you can call the setTitle() method with the ID of the layout to be embedded into the WebView.

WKWebView inside Scroll View

If you mean to get the content height of the html in WKWebView to make it non-scrollable inside UIScrollView, then read on.

You need to observe (via delegate) the content height of your webView. I'm giving you these steps, since you quite know what you're doing, and you're almost there.

Make an outlet out of your webView height constraint

@IBOutlet weak var constraint_WebViewHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!

Subscribe to webView's delegate

This will let you know (your controller when your webView has finished loading the contents of your site.

self.webView.navigationDelegate = self

Conform to protocol

Inside the didFinish navigation method of WKNavigationDelegate, you then adjust the constant of your webView height constraint. Put some animation if you want to :)

extension ViewController: WKNavigationDelegate {
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
self.constraint_WebViewHeight.constant = webView.scrollView.contentSize.height

Finally, fix your constraints.

a. Remove your imageView bottom constraint.
b. Add bottom constraint to your save button to the scrollView.

This will make your scrollView scrollable.

Voila! This yields this result.

Sample Image

I hope this helps!

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