Fragment Already Added Illegalstateexception

IllegalStateException: Fragment already added in the tabhost fragment

This happens when we try to add same fragment or DialogFragment twice before dismissing,

just call

return; //or return false/true, based on where you are calling from

Having said that, I don't see any reason why to remove old fragment and add the same fragment again since we can update the UI/data by simply passing parameters to the method inside the fragment

Android java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment already added

I finally found the solution. I was looking for tags with "findFragmentByTag" in my "showDialogAfterDelay" function. But this never came true. I couldn't determine if it was "Added". The piece of code I use to solve this;


Fragment already added IllegalStateException

In the end my workaround was to execute remove() of the previous fragment and add() the new one. Although that's what replace() method was meant to do.

But I am still guessing why replace() method didn't work properly in this case. It is really weird and I want to discard that it is because I am misunderstanding something or doing something wrong.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment already added: MovieFragment

The problem is MyFragment is a class and the FragmentManager is something that you get by calling supportFragmentManager. This is provided to you by the system. For the fragment manager to be able to add new fragments to the back stack, the Fragments provided to it should be unique.

Now I do not know what your use case is but calling MyFragment.newInstance() does not provide you unique classes as they are just new instances of the same MyFragment class. The error log is stating that.

To get around this you can create three different Fragment classes like PopularMoviesFragment, TopRatedMoviesFragment and UpcomingMoviesFragment and then add them to your list on the adapter class.

I know it seems like a lot of work but this way you have three different fragments that shows data for three different cases of Movies and you can have additional logic in them. And you will also not hit java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment already added: MovieFragment error

Your Adapter code where you call:

 private val pages = listOf(

should now look like:

 private val pages = listOf(

IllegalStateException: Fragment already added

Replace the isShowing with this:

 if(!mMenuBottomSheetFragment.isAdded()) {, mMenuBottomSheetFragment.getTag());

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