How to Notify Users About an Android App Update

How to notify users about an Android app update?

You do not need to do anything specific for this. Since you mentioned that you are using Google Play, the update notification is taken care of by Google Play.

You just need to update the APK with a higher versionCode and Google Play should do the rest.

How to inform the users of an Android app that a new version is available in the Google Play Store through Notification

To achieve this you can use the In App Update API.

You can find out how to implement it here in Google's documentation:

How to inform users to update an existing app?

Unfortunately I think you're out of luck. Unless another avenue was implemented in the older version of the app to allow for some sort of notification, there is no way to contact users who have not updated. The best you can hope for is that the users notice they have a pending update in the Play Store, and decide to update.

Notify user within app that a new version is available

There is no API or service by when you can check with Google Play what the latest version of your app is.

Instead, you should maintain the latest version code on your server, and have your app check it periodically against its own version code. If the version code is higher on the server, then your app needs to be updated and you can tell the user accordingly.

How to notify user that current app in play store is unpublished and a new app is available?

App signing was enabled in the app and restored the keystore using app signing feature.


Managing app updates in play store (Flutter)

Generally speaking, you have to implement a custom solution for each case you asking about.

For example, to notify users you can:

  1. Send push notifications to app users with information about an update being available. Clicking on such notification should lead to Play Market page with your application presented.

  2. Or you can implement one more API route to your backend from which your app will request information about updates, e.g. a text file with the latest version of your app available. That version can be compared to the version of the application installed. If the new version is higher - show a popup notifying a user about the new update.

What relates to having links in your app that lead to the store page of your app - I think the second option I described above will also handle this issue. Custom API that returns a link in simple text format that if not empty could be opened. If you are just trying to avoid additional update - this solution will work.

Show app update message to android users when they opened the app

First thing that play store will not show any notification to the user when new version of your apk is available.

Also you have to upload a new apk with code for checking update in your app and then only it will work.

For showing update dialog you can use the following library

Version Checker Library

For using this add this in your app level build.gradle file

compile 'com.robohorse.gpversionchecker:gpversionchecker:1.0.8'

and in your launcher activity add this

new GPVersionChecker.Builder(this).create();

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