Android Alarm Clock Ui

Android Alarm Clock UI

The stock alarm clock app is open source, so check it out by yourself.

Preference Layout see here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android=""
<CheckBoxPreference android:key="on"
<Preference android:key="time"
android:showSilent="false" />
<CheckBoxPreference android:key="vibrate"
android:title="@string/alarm_repeat" />
<EditTextPreference android:key="label"
android:dialogTitle="@string/label" />

Preference activity see here, note that, the links I referenced are not from the head revision.

Some highlights:

  • Time is a plain android.preference.Preference, backed by TimePickerDialog.
  • Ringtone is a customized implementation of android.preference.RingtonePreference.
  • Repeat is a customized implementation of android.preference.ListPreference.
  • Alarms are managed by a static class which use Content Providers store the actual information.
  • Holo theme is used by default since Android 4.0, on other Android version, you may see different theme. Note that the app implementation may also changed by different android version or device vendor.

How to implement robust alarm clock applications for Android 26+

After I have tried quite a few approaches I came to this conclusion: the only reliable way to execute the Code is to do it within the BroadcastReceiver or start a foreground service. Everything elso has proven to be unreliable.

So, back to big fat BroadcastReceivers!

Mimic layout of android alarm clock

Answering my own question.

It is a listview with custom list items. Each listitem is built up by several other views mostly linear views.

More details in the source code.

can i get access in my code to the alarm clock interface

No, sorry, there is no documented and supported API for setting alarm clock alarms. Moreover, that application may not exist on all Android devices, since it is not part of Android.

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