How to Solve the Install_Failed_Dexopt Error

INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application

Try to uninstall this app, and all others who have your signature on your device (your other apps). Clean your project and restart install. Also, you should consider installing your app through another mean that ADB, for instance using dropbox.

How do I solve the INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error at Android Studio 3.5?

Just try to do below steps,

1. Navigate to the /Users/user_xxx/.android/avd/Nexus6API22.avd 
2. Delete all the locks via: $rm *.lock
3. Wiped Data via AVD Manager
4. Restart the Emulator
5. Success.

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT

The issues is our method reaches 64k size.
Easy solution for this issues is we need to reduce our function or we need to remove few library which is not necessary.
Best solution is we can use ant build to take apk. and create build.xml file to split our library in to two files and we can inject that library in runtime.
We solved that issues buy using ant build.

One more option is available in android studio they have introduced a feature called multiple dex file so using that we can over come this issues.

Edits on 06-04-2015

The problem will rise when you update you google play services so instead of add the whole play service android studio provide a way to add particular api to the project Reference it will reduce your methods

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