Android Runtimeexception: Unable to Instantiate the Service

Android RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate the service

In your concrete implementation you have to declare a default constructor which calls the public IntentService (String name) super constructor of the abstract IntentService class you extend:

public MyService () {

You do not need to overwrite onStartCommand if the super implementation fits for you (what I expect).

In your current case you should get an exception (Unable to instantiate service...) - it is always worth to put this in the question.

java.lang.RuntimeException unable to instantiate service: java.lang.NullPointerException

You cannot call getSystemService() from an initializer (as you originally were) or from the constructor (as you are now). Please override onCreate(), and call getSystemService() there.

Basically, until onCreate() is called (or, more accurately, until after you call super.onCreate() from your onCreate()), the inherited methods on Service are not yet ready for your use.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate service .GCMIntentService

You should have GCMIntentService in the client code and you should define it in the AndroidManifest.xml file as follows.

<service android:name="package_name.GCMIntentService" />

Note that name of the intent service should be exactly same as GCMIntentService if you use GCMBroadcastReceiver. You can create your intent service if you implement your broadcast receiver.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate service

In Manifest you wrote:


But your is in package net.myapp

Change android:name="" to android:name="net.myapp.GcmBroadcastReceiver"

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate service

   public class SMSMonitor extends BroadcastReceiver {

you are SMSMonitor which is a BroadcastReceiver not Service

Intent i = new Intent(context,SMSMonitor.class);
i.setClass(context, SMSMonitor.class);

Why do I get an InstantiationException if I try to start a service?

You service needs to have a public no-args constructor. Otherwize, Android will not be able to instantiate it.

So replace

public StatisticsWidgetUpdateService(String name) {


public StatisticsWidgetUpdateService() {
super("SOME NAME");

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