Adding Local .Aar Files to My Gradle Build

Adding local .aar files to Gradle build using flatDirs is not working

Building upon Josiah's answer, here's how I got it to work.

Following his instructions (under edit) (File -> New-> New Module -> Import .JAR/.AAR) and import your .AAR.

Then in your project build.gradle (not the top level one, the one under 'app') add the following (in the dependencies section):

dependencies {
compile project(':Name-Of-Your-Project')

Note Name-Of-Your-Project should match the name of the folder that was added after you imported the AAR file (at the same level as app/.idea under the top most level folder). Or to put it another way...

build.gradle (here's where to add compile project(':ProjectName') to dependency section)
ProjectName (added automatically after importing, matching the name of your aar file)

This worked for me running Android Studio 0.8.0. Don't forget to synchronize gradle (using toolbar button or in File->Synchronize) after you do this.

(Thanks to Josiah for getting me going in the right direction)

(Note: prior to this I tried adding it to the libs folder, trying to manipulate the top level build.gradle and the app level build.gradle, but none of that worked for my aars files--jar's will work fine, but not the aar files)

Adding local .aar files to my gradle build

You put your flatDir block in the wrong repostories block. The repositories block inside buildscript tells Gradle where to find the Android-Gradle plugin, but not the rest of the dependencies. You need to have another top-level repositories block like this:

repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'aars'

I tested this and it works okay on my setup.

Error building Android library: Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported

I recently encountered the same issue, the fix was to remove the library from libs/ and import it using File -> New -> New Module -> Import .JAR/.AAR Package, then referencing it in the library module build.gradle file:

dependencies {
implementation project(":imported_aar_module")

If you are on a newer Android Studio version (4.0.0+), this option is not available. Instead you have to do it manually.

  1. Create a new directory and put the following content into the build.gradle file withing the new directory:
artifacts.add("default", file('[nameOfTheAar].aar'))

  1. Place the aar into this new directoy. Next to the build.gradle file.
  2. Add the new created Gradle project to the settings.gradle file:

  1. Include the project in your library where you want to use the aar:
implementation project(":pathToTheCreatedDirectory", configuration = "default")

How to manually include external aar package using Gradle for Android

Please follow the steps below to get it working (I tested it up to Android Studio 2.2).

Let's say you have an .aar file in libs folder (e.g. cards.aar).

Then in app build.gradle specify following and click Sync Project with Gradle files.

Open Project level build.gradle and add flatDir {dirs 'libs'} like below:

allprojects {
repositories {

flatDir {
dirs 'libs'

Open app level build.gradle file and add .aar file:

dependencies {
implementation(name:'cards', ext:'aar')

If everything goes well, you will see library entry is made in build -> exploded-aar.

Also note that if you are importing a .aar file from another project that has dependencies you'll need to include these in your build.gradle, too.

Add local .aar files to Titanium SDK 9 Android module

Found the libraries at

Using this build.gradle

repositories {
maven { url "" }

dependencies {
implementation files('../../libs/polar-ble-sdk.aar')
implementation files('../../libs/polar-protobuf-release.aar')
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxandroid:3.0.0'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxjava:3.0.0'

works fine. No problems using import; or auto-completion with Android Studio.
Compiling works fine (but I didn't try the module in Titanium at the end).


  • add the build.gradle to your app, too: platform/android/build.gradle (same content)
  • app: create /build/libs and add the libs
  • module:
public void create()
PolarBleApi api = PolarBleApiDefaultImpl.defaultImplementation(TiApplication.getAppCurrentActivity(), PolarBleApi.FEATURE_HR);
Log.i("Polar", "Version: " + PolarBleApiDefaultImpl.versionInfo());
  • app:
var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: "Test"
var polar = require("ti.polar");


output: [INFO] Polar: (main) [92,92] Version: 2.2.2

How to add a local aar dependency into a bintray published library?

I ended up using Kezong:

apply plugin: 'com.kezong.fat-aar'

I will create a fat arr containing all the dependencies you want.
In your file you and the dependency to your local aar like this:

embed project(path: ':myLocalARR-1.3.1-release')

Using embed will ensure that your final arr will contain the java files from your local dependency.

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