How to Pass Multiple Primitive Parameters to Asynctask

How can you pass multiple primitive parameters to AsyncTask?

It is (strictly-speaking) NOT possible to pass multiple primitives to AsyncTask. For example, if you want to perform myTask.execute(long1, long2) and try to set up private class myTask extends AsyncTask<long, Void, Void> with the corresponding method:

protected LocationItemizedOverlay doInBackground(long... params) {...}

your IDE will likely complain about needing to override a supertype method. Note that you are using the so-called Varargs method signature for doInBackground, where (long... params) is like saying "I accept a variable number of longs, stored as an array called params. I don't completely understand what causes a compiler/IDE complaint to be raised, but I think it has to do with how the generic class Params is defined.

In any case, it is possible to achieve what you want with no problem, provided you correctly cast your primitives to their respective non-primitive wrappers (e.g. int => Integer, long => Long, etc.). Actually, you don't need to explicitly cast your primitives to non-primitives. Java seems to handle that for you. You just need to set up your ASyncTask as follows (for the example of longs):

private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Long, Void, Void> {

protected void doInBackground(Long... params) {
// Do stuff with params, for example:
long myFirstParam = params[0]

You can then use this class as you originally intended, e.g.:

MyTask myTask = new MyTask();
myTask.execute(long1, long2);

Or for any number of primitives that you would like, PROVIDED THEY ARE OF THE SAME TYPE. If you need to pass multiple types of primitives, this can also be done, but you will need to modify the above to:

private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Void> {

protected void doInBackground(Object... params) {
// Do stuff with params, for example:
long myLongParam = (Long) params[0];
int myIntParam = (Integer) params[1];


This is more flexible, but it requires explicitly casting the parameters to their respective types. If this flexibility is not needed (i.e. a single data type), I recommend sticking to the first option, as it's slightly more readable.

Android: Multiple params in Asynctask

try creating a constructor within your AsyncTask and whenever you create your object you can pass the parameters.
Something like this:

MyAsyncTask asynctask = new MyAsyncTask(10, true, myObject);
//this is how you create your object

public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>{

int a;
boolean b;
Object c;

public MyAsyncTask(int a, boolean b, Object c){
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;

protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
c = a;
return null;


and then you can just call asynctask.execute();

Edit: After reading your updated question I agree to Squonk to use a Service for example to play a background sound; also you can show a progress dialog before launching your AsynkTask (if this one is indefinetly) and dismiss it on your postexecute.

How can I pass a primitive int to my AsyncTask?

Pass your parameter as Integer

class proveAsync extends AsyncTask<Integer, Integer, Void> {

protected void onPreExecute(){

protected Void doInBackground(Integer... position) {
int post = position[0].intValue();


while executing do this

new proveAsync().execute(new Integer(position));

You can get the int value in AsyncTask as using intValue()

how to pass in two different data types to AsyncTask, Android

You should create a constructor for that.

public class UpdateInfoAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>{
int intValue;
String strValue;

public UpdateInfoAsyncTask(int intValue,String strValue){
this.intValue = intValue;
this.strValue = strValue;

protected void onPreExecute() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
//use intValue
//use strValue
return null;

To use it

new UpdateInfoAsyncTask(10,"hi").execute();

How can I pass in 2 parameters to a AsyncTask class?

Create a wrapper object to hold the two parameters, or just use something like an ArrayList or Dictionary and stick both your parameters in it.

Not pretty, but it works.

pass parameter to AsyncTaskString, Void, Void

soap_object.execute(new String []{"StringOne","StringTwo"});

You can also do :


In doInBackground, params is a varargs argument, so just do :

execute__barcode_webservice(params[0], params[1]);

How to send values to another method

new GetDirecoes().execute(latRepr,LngRepr);

this is how you can pass.

private class GetDirecoes extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> implements Serializable {

protected void onPreExecute() {

protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
String latRepr=params[0];
String LngRepr=params[1];

Using AsyncTask with multiple activities

You may try one host Activity with AsyncTask and two Fragments (authentication, chatting). Fragments will get result indirectly from the host Activity.

Be aware of AsyncTask pitfalls.

In your case the cleaner way is to use service.

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