Android Play Services 6.5: Locationclient Is Missing

Android play services 6.5: LocationClient is missing

The LocationClient class has been replaced with the new FusedLocationProviderApi and the GeofencingApi, both of which use the common GoogleApiClient connection technique to connect to Google Play Services. Once you are connected, you can call methods such as requestLocationUpdates():

LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()

PendingResult<Status> result = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi
googleApiClient, // your connected GoogleApiClient
locationRequest, // a request to receive a new location
locationListener); // the listener which will receive updated locations

// Callback is asynchronous. Use await() on a background thread or listen for
// the ResultCallback
result.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
void onResult(Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
// Successfully registered
} else if (status.hasResolution()) {
// Google provides a way to fix the issue
activity, // your current activity used to receive the result
RESULT_CODE); // the result code you'll look for in your
// onActivityResult method to retry registering
} else {
// No recovery. Weep softly or inform the user.
Log.e(TAG, "Registering failed: " + status.getStatusMessage());

LocationClient class not found on google play services rev 22

Building on what @CommnsWare said, here are steps to migrate to Fused api.

Step 1: Get an instance of GoogleApiClient instead of LocationClient.

The ConnectionCallback (mConnectionCallbacks, mOnConnectionFailedListener in example below) needs slight modification but that should be trivial.

googleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)

Step 2: Update connect and disconnect calls.

Replace the locationClient.connect() with googleApiClient.connect() and locationClient.disconnect() with googleApiClient.disconnect().

Step 3: Use LocationServices.FusedLocationApi to send your requests.

LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(googleApiClient, request, mLocationListener);

Hope this helps! classes not found after update of play-services to 6.5.87

ActivityRecognitionClient was deprecated, and they may have gotten rid of deprecated methods. Either use an earlier version of the artifact, or switch to ActivityRecognition, which I think is the replacement.

Emulator manual location doesn't work with Google Play Services

I have a suggestion, Try to use Genymotions for testing maps/places app.
it is faster than emulator and you can build and check maps application.‎

import cannot be resolved

Update: The docs seem to be updated now.

I had the same problem about a week ago the problem is because the GooglePlayServices library is updated and also the LocationClient was deprecated as well (but the docs were not updated). You must have updated the GooglePlayServices library and then this error occurred.

So instead of using the old LocationClient you need to use and

See the docs for GoogleApiClient and LocationRequest

Google Play Services location and geofencing APIs not working properly on Genymotion

I had the issue regarding geolocation a few days ago and contacted Genymotion about it. They said they do not currently support Geolocation features but may consider implementing them in the future.

I don't know the answer to your first question as I haven't had this problem.

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