Vapor 3 Postgresql Crud Without Requests Http

Vapor 3 PostgreSQL CRUD without requests http

Based on this question and answers (Is is possible to use Vapor 3 Postgres Fluent in a standalone script?) I realized CRUD like this:

import Vapor
import FluentPostgreSQL

final class Device: PostgreSQLModel {
var id: Int?
var isWorking: Bool
var serial: Int

init(isWorking: Bool, serial: Int) {
self.isWorking = isWorking
self.serial = serial
extension Device: Content {}
extension Device: Migration {}
extension Device: Parameter {}

final class WorkWithPostgres {

let databaseConfig = PostgreSQLDatabaseConfig(hostname: "localhost", port: 5432, username: "username", database: "testestest", password: nil)

let database: PostgreSQLDatabase

static let shared = WorkWithPostgres()

private init() {
database = PostgreSQLDatabase(config: databaseConfig)

func readAll<T: PostgreSQLModel>(postgreSQLModel: T.Type, completion: (([T]) -> Void)?) {
let worker = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
let conn = database.newConnection(on: worker)

let _ = { connection in
postgreSQLModel.query(on: connection).all().map { databaseData in
worker.shutdownGracefully { _ in


func create<T: PostgreSQLModel>(postgreSQLModel: T) {
let worker = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
let conn = database.newConnection(on: worker)

let _ = { connection in
let _ = connection).whenComplete {
worker.shutdownGracefully { _ in


final class DeviceController {

func readAll(completion: (([Device]) -> Void)?) {
WorkWithPostgres.shared.readAll(postgreSQLModel: Device.self) { devices in

func create(isWorking: Bool, serial: Int) {
let device = Device(isWorking: isWorking, serial: serial)

WorkWithPostgres.shared.create(postgreSQLModel: device)


It is working, but I am not sure is it good way to do this. Does somebody know?

Vapor 4 PostgreSQL CRUD without http requests

So, correct idea not to work with database like I did with Vapor 3. Now, in Vapor 4, you should use Database instance. Where to get it? I can suggest 2 options for you. First is boot(_ app: Application) in boot.swift or in configure(_ app: Application) in configure.swift. So app will have options to work with database like this: <Model>.query(on: app.db). Second option is req in any request. req should be of type Request, like this: <Model>.query(on: req.db). By Model, you can take any class inherited of class Model, for example: final class User: Model, Content { You should organise your code to be called from boot.swift or configure.swift or from any request, for example, in routes.swift

Is is possible to use Vapor 3 Postgres Fluent in a standalone script?

You will need to create an event loop group to be able to make database requests. SwiftNIO's MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup is good for this:

let worker = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 2)

You can change the number of threads used as you need.

Now you can create a connection to the database with that worker:

let conn = try database.newConnection(on: worker)

The connection is in a future, so you can map it and pass the connection in your query:

conn.flatMap { connection in
return Product.query(on: connection)...

Make sure you shutdown your worker when you are done with it using shutdownGracefully(queue:_:)

Can Vapor 4 serve both HTTP and HTTPS requests in the same application?

No Vapor 4 cannot serve different protocols on the same port/application. The easiest way around is to run two instances of the application, one for each. Or just get the internal traffic to use HTTPS.

Another option would be to stick Nginx in front or similar

Swift backend using vapor framework postgresql

The Vapor app will live in a separate Xcode project as it's a separate app. In terms of connecting everything together, it's just another API to the client, so you call it like you would any other

Multiple Databases in Vapor

The magic of multiple databases lies with the DatabaseID. You can define a new instance of DatabaseID, and register a connection with it.

extension DatabaseID {
static let readOnly = DatabaseID("readOnly")

static func configureDatabase(_ app: Application) throws {
try app.databases.use(.postgres(url: "postgresql://user@localhost:5432/user"), as: .psql)
try app.databases.use(.postgres(url: "postgresql://user@localhost:5432/read_only"), as: .readOnly)

Then, when you want to run a query, instead of using the request.db database, use the .db(_:) method and pass in your identifier:

User.query(on: request.db(.readOnly))

how to build a vapor app from an already existing database?

This is somewhere Vapor (or more correctly Fluent, which is the database level of Vapor) is a bit limited.

Yes, you can use your existing tables. In your prepare(_:) method, you can simply leave the implementation empty without creating a table at all. You should also leave revert(_:) empty as well.

In your init(node:in:) initialiser and makeNode(context:) method, you will need to map between the column names and types in your table and the property types in your Swift model.

Vapor + PostgreSQL + Nginx build on Docker not operation properly

To connect to database inside container dont use localhost as a db host but your db container name. So in your case host is psql. Here your docker compose is not well formatted psql and nginx must have one tab more. But maybe its just SO formatting wrong.

How to store Swift types (Date, Dictionary and others) in PostgreSQL with Vapor 3?

  • for date timestamp without time zone
  • for [String: Any] should be jsonb

vapor 3 fluent-mysql join query

You could do it with FluentMySQL like this

func something(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
return User.query(on: req)
// this is how you can join anything
.join(\Token.userId, to: \
// this is how you can filter values
.filter(\Token.createdAt, .lessThan, Date())
// this is how to apply LIMIT and OFFSET
.range(lower: 0, upper: 10)
// this is how to decode joined model
// requests an array of results (or use .first if you need only one first row)
.all().map { results in
for (user, token) in results {
print("user: \(user.firstName) token: \(token.token)")
return .ok

Or you could build a raw query using SwifQL library and execute it like this

func something2(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
// build your query like you do in raw SQL
let query = SwifQLSelectBuilder().select(User.table.*)
.join(.left, Token.table, on: \Token.userId == \
.where(\Token.createdAt <
// this way you could print raw query to execute it in mysql manually for debugging purposes
print("raw query: " + query.prepare(.mysql).plain)
// executes query with mysql dialect
return query.execute(on: req, as: .mysql)
// requests an array of results (or use .first if you need only one first row)
// You also could decode query results into the custom struct
.all(decoding: User.self).map { users in
return .ok

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