Using Xcode to Cross-Compile Swift to Linux

Cross-compile Swift code for Raspberry Pi on macOS

To answer my own question, the current best solution (very recent) is:

That provides the needed toolchains, etc. for building on macOS for the R Pi.
Best instructions for remote debugging (using lldb) can be found here:

Note that on macOS you need to use the version of lldb provided by the toolchain, e.g.:

[path_to_toolchains]/Toolchains/arm64-swift.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lldb -o "platform select remote-linux" -o "platform connect connect://ipaddress:port" -o "file ./remoteProgram"

Still looking to connect the lldb debugger to Xcode run on the Mac. If that can be done, the development cycle is complete.

How to build a swift executable for Linux on macOS

This just means it couldn't locate the linked library. If your located at /usr/lib/swift/linux you can run LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/swift/linux ./<your executable for linux> and it will work like a charm.

You can also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to just execute the binary.

Compile IOS program from linux commandline

Yes, it's possible.

At least you need:

  1. Assembler and Linker: cctools and ld64 from apple opensource.
  2. Compiler: Clang/LLVM
  3. SDK, include headers and libraries.
  4. Utilities: such as ldid codesign tool.

Step 1 : The compiler

Clang/llvm >= 3.2 is highly recommended and tested.

If you want to build clang/llvm from scratch, Please refer to this link to build a svn version for your linux distribution.

If your distribution already provides clang/llvm packages,make sure it is 3.2 release or above. Lower version may work but isn't tested.

for Ubuntu 13.04 and later, clang/llvm already provided in repos, please run:

$sudo apt-get install gcc g++ clang libclang-dev uuid-dev libssl-dev libpng12-dev libicu-dev bison flex libsqlite3-dev

to install some dev packages, other dev packages related to llvm/llvm-dev should be installed automatically.

Step 2 : The assembler and linker

The latest cctools-855 and ld64-236.3 had been ported from Apple opensource to linux. the porting process is a little bit complicated, also with a lot of codes modified for linux, let's just skip it.

please check out the codes from:

svn checkout

Build it:

$ sed -i 's/proz -k=20  --no-curses/wget/g'
$ ./
$ cd cctools-855-ld64-236.3
$ ./configure --target=arm-apple-darwin11 --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install

For Ubuntu 13.04, since the clang/llvm 3.2 package use a customized libraries/headers path. please setup CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS first before run configure.

$export CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/llvm-c-3.2"
$export CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/include/llvm-c-3.2"

Step 3: The iPhoneOS SDK.

The old iPhone SDK with ARC support extracted from xcode had been provided in Download Sections. You can directly download it and extract it to /usr/share

For iOS 4.2:

For iOS 5.0:

For iOS 6.0:

For other iOS versions, You may need follow these steps to get the SDK for your self.

Step 4: The utilities

iphonesdk-utils is a utility collection for iOS development, provides below utilities:

NOTE: (Some of them are collected from internet with some modifications.)

ldid : codesign tool, with armv7/armv7s support and other changes from orig version. it will be involked by ld64 after link complete.
ios-clang-wrapper : automatically find SDK and construct proper compilation args.
ios-switchsdk : switch sdk when multiple version of SDK exist.
ios-pngcrush: png crush/de-crush tool, like Apple's pngcrush.
ios-createProject : project templates
ios-genLocalization : iOS app localization tool based on clang lexer.
ios-plutil : plist compiler/decompiler.
ios-xcbuild : convert xcode project to makefile, build xcode project directly under linux.
Download the source tarball from:

Build and install it:

$./configure --prefix=/usr
$make install

Build App

Now you can build and install your project simply doing:

$cd ProjectDir
$make install IPHONE_IP=<your own device IP

Complete info you can find here —

Can you Run Xcode in Linux?

The low-level toolchain for Xcode (the gcc compiler family, the gdb debugger, etc.) is all open source and common to Unix and Linux platforms. But the IDE--the editor, project management, indexing, navigation, build system, graphical debugger, visual data modeling, SCM system, refactoring, project snapshots, etc.--is a Mac OS X Cocoa application, and is not portable.

Build Apple Silicon binary on Intel machine

We ended up solving solving this and being able to compile darwin-arm64 and debian-aarch64 binaries on GitHub Actions' x86-64 machines.

We pre-compiled all our dependencies for arm64 and linked them statically as well as dynamically.

export RELAY_DEPS_PATH=./build-deps/arm64
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=./build-deps/arm64/lib/pkgconfig

cd ./relay-deps
TARGET=./build-deps make install

cd ./relay
./configure CFLAGS='-target arm64-apple-macos' \
--host=aarch64-apple-darwin \


# Dynamically linked binary
cc --target=arm64-apple-darwin \
${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress \
-o .libs/ -bundle .libs/*.o \
-L$RELAY_DEPS_PATH/lib -lhiredis -ljemalloc_pic [snip...]

# re-link to standard paths
./relay-deps/utils/macos/ .libs/ /usr/local/lib
cp .libs/ modules/

# Build a statically linked shared object
cc --target=arm64-apple-darwin \
${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress \
-o .libs/ -bundle .libs/*.o \
$RELAY_DEPS_PATH/lib/libhiredis.a \
$RELAY_DEPS_PATH/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a \


set -e

printUsage() {
echo "$0 <shared-object> <prefix>"
exit 1

if [[ ! -f "$1" || -z "$2" ]]; then
exit 1


links=(libjemalloc libhiredis [snip...])

if [ -z "$PREFIX" ]; then

for link in ${links[@]}; do
FROM=$(otool -L "$INFILE"|grep $link|awk '{print $1}')
FILE=$(basename -- "$FROM")

echo "$FROM -> $TO"
install_name_tool -change "$FROM" "$TO" "$1"

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