Float Is Not Convertible to 'Mirrordisposition' Swift What Is Mirrordisposition

float is not convertible to 'MirrorDisposition' Swift What is mirrordisposition?

MirrorDisposition is one of the types you can get from a Mirror of a value (using reflect function). They are made for the IDE to enable displaying the values.

/// How children of this value should be presented in the IDE.
enum MirrorDisposition {
case Struct
case Class
case Enum
case Tuple
case Aggregate
case IndexContainer
case KeyContainer
case MembershipContainer
case Container
case Optional
case ObjCObject

The error message means that the compiler didn't find an == operator to compare a Float with an Int. However, it probably found an == operator for MirrorDisposition and Int, so it is trying to convert Float to MirrorDisposition but it obviously can't, so you get an error message.

(by the way, the type error you get is random, depending on the operator the compiler tries to use. I am getting Float is not convertible to Selector).

The error message is a bug, there should be a message saying Could not find == operator for Float and Int.

The obvious fix to check value equality is using a cast:

if intValue == Int(floatValue)  {

There is no reason to compare types this way because in Swift, types are checked by the compiler. There should never be a reason to check the type explicitly (speaking about value types, not object types, of course).

Can't perform an IF statement on a UITableViewCell in Swift? Error: is not convertible to MirrorDisposition

cell is not an Optional therefore it will never be nil. Try this instead, declaring cell as an NDTableViewCell? and then unwrapping it before the return.

var cell:NDTableViewCell? = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(NDTableViewCell.identifier) as? NDTableViewCell

if (cell == nil) { // Error happens here!
cell = NDTableViewCell.loadFromNib()

return cell!

Also, see this answer for more details about the failed comparison: float is not convertible to 'MirrorDisposition' Swift What is mirrordisposition?

CGFloat is not convertible to Int when trying to calculate an expression

You have already explained and solved the matter perfectly. It's simply a matter of you accepting your own excellent explanation:

It works perfectly fine if ... I just give it a literal value ... But when I go with any variable or constant or expression containing one, it displays an error "CGFloat is not convertible to Int".

Correct. Numeric literals can be automatically coerced to another type, such as CGFloat. But variables cannot; you must coerce them, explicitly. To do so, initialize a new number, of the correct type, based on the old number.

So, this works automagically:

let f1 : CGFloat = 1.0
let f2 = f1 + 1

But here, you have to coerce:

let f1 : CGFloat = 1.0
let f2 = 1
let f3 = f1 + CGFloat(f2)

It's a pain, but it keeps you honest, I guess. Personally I agree with your frustration, as my discussion here will show: Swift numerics and CGFloat (CGPoint, CGRect, etc.) It is hard to believe that a modern language is expected to work with such clumsy numeric handling, especially when we are forced against our will to bang into the Core Graphics CGFloat type so frequently in real-life Cocoa programming. But that, it seems, is the deal. I keep hoping that Swift will change in this regard, but it hasn't happened so far. And there is a legitimate counterargument that implicit coercion, which is what we were doing in Objective-C, is dangerous (and indeed, things like the coming of 64-bit have already exposed the danger).

NSError' is not convertible to '@lvalue inout $T9' in Swift

You are reusing the error variable passed in to the block - you simply have to define a local optional variable and pass its reference to JSONObjectWithData

var myError: NSError?
self.data = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(response, options:NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableLeaves, error: &myError)

That happens because JSONObjectWithData needs a reference to a variable of NSError type. The one passed to the block is immutable - it points to an instance of NSError, but cannot be reassigned to point to another instance, or set to nil in case of no error.

iOS Swift Error: 'T' is not convertible to 'MirrorDisposition'

You are getting an error because the compiler can't guarantee that the element stored in your array can be compared with ==. You have to ensure that it the contained type is Equatable. However, there is no way to add a method to a generic class that is more restrictive than the class itself. It is better to implement it as a function:

func removeItem<T: Equatable>(item: T, var fromArray array: [T]) -> [T] {
for i in reverse(0 ..< array.count) {
if array[i] == item {
return array

Or you could add it as a more generic extension:

extension Array {
mutating func removeObjectsPassingTest(test: (object: T) -> Bool) {
for var i : Int = self.count - 1; i >= 0; --i {
if test(object: self[i]) {

Then you can do this:

var list: [Int] = [1,2,3,2,1]
list.removeObjectsPassingTest({$0 == 2})

Swift randomFloat issue: '4294967295' is not exactly representable as 'Float'

Simplest solution: abandon your code and just call https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coregraphics/cgfloat/2994408-random.

int32 is not convertible to int

@IBAction func btnGenerateNum(sender: UIButton, forEvent event: UIEvent) {

lblNum.text = "\(arc4random_uniform(10))"

CGFloat not converting to UInt32?

The CGFloat(...) part is fine; the error-message isn't saying that you can't explicitly convert an integer to a CGFloat, but rather, that you can't implicitly convert from a CGFloat to an Int. More specifically, I think it's complaining because of the final assignment x = ...; the part on the right is a CGFloat, and I'm guessing that x is an Int?

If so, then you should be able to fix this by adding an explicit cast from CGFloat to Int:

x = Int(CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.view!.frame.width - dotRadius * 2))) + dotRadius)

This Stack Overflow answer suggests that you also include an explicit floor or round (from the math libraries) before casting to Int, to make it clear what kind of rounding you expect.

Arc4random error: Invalid operands to binary expression ('float' and 'float')

mod (%) doesn't work on floats.

int x = r + (arc4random() % (int)(self.view.frame.size.width - button1.frame.size.width));
int y = r + (arc4random() % (int)(self.view.frame.size.height - button1.frame.size.height));

As an additional note, arc4random() % … is not recommended.

Here is the preferred method:

int x = r + arc4random_uniform(self.view.frame.size.width - button1.frame.size.width);
int y = r + arc4random_uniform(self.view.frame.size.height - button1.frame.size.height);

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