Swift Package Manager - Swift 4 Syntax

Swift Package Manager - Swift 4 syntax

You're missing the tools version specifier in your manifest; add the following as the first line of your Package.swift:

// swift-tools-version:4.0

By default if that line is omitted, it'll default to manifest version 3 and also compiler version 3. For more information see SE-0152 or Swift Package Manager Manifest API Redesign on swift.org.

Xcode: Using packages in Xcode 14

There is a change in the syntax for local packages, the .package(url: … syntax that used to work for packages within the project does not work anymore.

With Xcode 14 local packages that do no have their own repo MUST be referred as:

dependencies: [
.package(path: "../MyLibrary"),

Now this works just fine in Xcode 14 beta, but if you're going back to the Xcode release version, you'll get numerous errors. To fix those, reset the package caches by calling

File > Packages > Reset Package Caches

I had the same issue in a project with 14 internal packages, some of them dependent on each other, and it runs fine now in both Xcode 13.4 and Xcode 14 beta.

Hope it helps

Specify minimum macOS version for Swift Package Manager with Swift 5

let package = Package(
name: "NAME",
platforms: [
products: [
.library(name: "NAME", targets: ["NAME"]),
targets: [
.target(name: "NAME"),

One way to do this is with Deployment Settings in SPM.

How to unit test iOS package with `swift test`?

swift test only works for macOS testing. It does not support cross builds for iOS.

You do not need an existing Xcode project to use xcodebuild. Run the command, xcodebuild -list to initialize a Package.swift file for testing.

See the example here.

How can I add a local library as a dependency in Swift Package Manager

First: package dependency can link to other packages only!

It's possible from Swift 5.3 with binaryTarget but you should build your static library with several needed architectures(arm64, x86_64) and then create XCFramework from them with next command:

xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
-library <path> [-headers <path>] \
[-library <path> [-headers <path>]...] \
-output <path>


xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
-library build/simulators/libMyStaticLib.a \
-library build/devices/libMyStaticLib.a \
-output build/MyStaticLib.xcframework

Then you can create new binary target dependency in your package:

let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
targets: [
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: ["MyStaticLib"]
.binaryTarget(name: "MyStaticLib", path: "path/MyStaticLib.xcframework"),

Note: The path to xcframework starts from the root of the project (same as Package.swift).

Swift Package: Dependent Package can't be found. Remedy?

Facebook SDK for iOS package includes several libraries such as: FacebookCore, FacebookLogin, FacebookShare, FacebookGamingServices and you should make a dependency to a needed one e.g.:

name: "YourPackage",
dependencies: [.product(name: "FacebookLogin", package: "Facebook")]),

Then you can use this library in your code:

import FBSDKLoginKit

func createLoginButton() -> FBLoginButton {
return FBLoginButton()

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