Swift Closure Async Order of Execution

Swift closure async order of execution

A couple of observations:

  1. It will always execute what's at 1 before 2. The only way you'd get the behavior you describe is if you're doing something else inside that for loop that is, itself, asynchronous. And if that were the case, you'd use a dispatch group to solve that (or refactor the code to handle the asynchronous pattern). But without seeing what's in that for loop, it's hard to comment further. The code in the question, alone, should not manifest the problem you describe. It's got to be something else.

  2. Unrelated, you should note that it's a little dangerous to be updating model objects inside your asynchronously executing for loop (assuming it is running on a background thread). It's much safer to update a local variable, and then pass that back via the completion handler, and let the caller take care of dispatching both the model update and the UI updates to the main queue.

  3. In comments, you mention that in the for loop you're doing something asynchronous, and something that must be completed before the completionHandler is called. So you'd use a dispatch group to do ensure this happens only after all the asynchronous tasks are done.

  4. Note, since you're doing something asynchronous inside the for loop, not only do you need to use a dispatch group to trigger the completion of these asynchronous tasks, but you probably also need to create your own synchronization queue (you shouldn't be mutating an array from multiple threads). So, you might create a queue for this.

Pulling this all together, you end up with something like:

func fetchMostRecent(completionHandler: ([TableItem]?) -> ()) {
addressBook.loadContacts { contacts, error in
var sections = [TableItem]()
let group = dispatch_group_create()
let syncQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.domain.app.sections", nil)

if let unwrappedContacts = contacts {
for contact in unwrappedContacts {
self.someAsynchronousMethod {
// handle contacts
dispatch_async(syncQueue) {
let something = ...
dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.mostRecent = sections
} else {


model.fetchMostRecent { sortedSections in
guard let sortedSections = sortedSections else {
// handle failure however appropriate for your app

// update some UI
self.state = State.Loaded(sortedSections)

Or, in Swift 3:

func fetchMostRecent(completionHandler: @escaping ([TableItem]?) -> ()) {
addressBook.loadContacts { contacts, error in
var sections = [TableItem]()
let group = DispatchGroup()
let syncQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.domain.app.sections")

if let unwrappedContacts = contacts {
for contact in unwrappedContacts {
self.someAsynchronousMethod {
// handle contacts
syncQueue.async {
let something = ...
group.notify(queue: .main) {
self.mostRecent = sections
} else {

Swift closures - order of code execution in regards to value assignment

Here is a summary of your function in question:

context.perform {
entities = try! fetch.execute()
return entities

Swift sees it like this:

  1. Call this context.perform function
  2. Call return entities
  3. Process the output of context.perform inside the closure

Because of the order, it just returns the value and considers its work done. Your closure will likely complete, assuming it stays in scope, but otherwise nothing comes of it.

The easiest thing would be to change your function from:

@nonobjc public class func fetchEvents(completion: @escaping ([Event]) -> () = { _ in }) -> [Event]


@nonobjc public class func fetchEvents(completion: @escaping ([Event]) -> () = { _ in })

The difference here is the removal of the [Event] return.

Then, inside your function remove the return entities line.

You now have an asynchronous function, so whatever you use to call it will have to use a closure for the [Event] value.

self.events = Event.getEventsFromAPI() becomes something like:

Event.getEventsFromAPI() = { [weak self] events in
self?.events = events

Swift Closures and order of execution

Your implementation of load(onFinish:) is very surprising and over-complicated. Luckily, though, that helps demonstrate the point you were asking about.

A closure is executed when something calls it. So in your case, onFinish is called at the end of the method, which makes it synchronous. Nothing about being "a closure" makes anything asynchronous. It's just the same as calling a function. It is completely normal to call a closure multiple times (map does this for instance). Or it might never be called. Or it might be called asynchronously. Fundamentally, it's just like passing a function.

When I say "it's slightly different than an anonymous function," I'm just referring to the "close" part of "closure." A closure "closes over" the current environment. That means it captures variables in the local scope that are referenced inside the closure. This is slightly different than a function (though it's more about syntax than anything really deep; functions can actually become closures in some cases).

The better implementation would just return the array in this case.

Swift: Order of Execution for Closures

If you have multiple async requests and you need to wait for all to complete, you could use a DispatchGroup to notify you when all the tasks in the group completed.

In your case, you need to wait until all images were downloaded before calling the completion function of getImages

func getImages(completion: @escaping([UIImage?]) -> Void) {

var downloadedImages: [UIImage?] = []

let downloadGroup = DispatchGroup()

for i in 0...8 {


let imagePath = "/img" + String(i)
getImageFromStorage(imagePath: imagePath, completion: { myImage in


downloadGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
// will be called when all requests are done

Execution order of closures

You are going to background thread mode when you call getDocuments which have less priority than Main thread.So replace below part of code into viewDidLoad or a method which is called from viewDidLoad

db.collection("News").getDocuments(){(querySnapshot, err) in

if let err = err{
print("Errore: \(err)")
for document in (querySnapshot?.documents)!{
let cell = document.data()
print ("document number: \(self.news.count)")

DispatchQueue.main.async {



and when you get your data you go back to main thread and reload your tableview using this code.

DispatchQueue.main.async {

You can learn more about threading from apple documentation and this tutorial also.

iOS Swift: order of code execution / asynchronous execution

Yes, you can be certain that your code will be run in order 1, 2, 3, 4.

Every step in the code you posted is performed synchronously. It completes the entire for loop, then the sort, then assigns to the filtered property, then tells the table view to reload.

Functions that do asynchronous tasks are documented as such. Usually such functions take a completion handler so that you can invoke code once they finish their task.

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