Swift 4.0 Mapview Running Slow

Swift 4.0 MapView Running Slow

If this is just in the simulator for ios 11 or 10.3, then it is a known bug. The XCode 9 simulator is working very slowly for everyone relating to mapKit. This bug can be seen here and here. It should, however, work fine if you use the app on your phone.

Apple staff working with Swift development have acknowledged the issue. The only workaround currently is using the ios 10 simulator or changing the rendering modules (suggested by Apple staff). Supposedly, changing the modules isnt perfect, but it might just help. Type this in terminal:

defaults write com.apple.CoreSimulator.IndigoFramebufferServices FramebufferRendererHint X

Replace the X with: 0 = auto, 1 = Metal, 2 = OpenCL, 3 = OpenGL

Again, this is an official bug in the simulator so changing the rendering still won't make the simulation perfect. There have been 4-5 people who have submitted bug reports on this and it has been acknowledged, so hopefully a fix comes soon.


I tried a map kit app on iOS 11.1 simulator. It seems to be slightly smoother but the error message still pops up... waiting for a fix


A comment pointed out that this is fixed in the iOS 11.3 beta.

How to slow down MapView animation in Swift?

You don't need to call setCenter(_:animated:), at this point. What you could do is to directly set a value for centerCoordinate inside UIView animation function:

// set your needed time per second, the current is 3.0 seconds
UIView.animate(withDuration: 3.0) {
self.mapView.centerCoordinate = annotation.coordinate

Tapping an MKAnnotation to select it is REALLY slow

Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about this. It's for the exact same reason that tapping links in Mobile Safari is slow: the gesture recognizers have to jostle for a while to decide whether you might be scrolling (dragging) before they agree that you are tapping.

So, it has nothing to do with the animation. It's just the nature of gesture recognition in this situation.

Very slow scrolling/zooming experience with GMUClusterRenderer (Google Maps Clustering) on iOS

I was facing the same issue. After debugging a lot and checking google's code even, i come to the conclusion that, issue was from GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator. This class is creating images at runtime for given cluster size that you are displaying. So, when you zoom in or zoom out the map, the cluster size is going to update, and this class creates new image for new number(Even it keep images cached, if same number get repeated).

So, the solution that i found is to use buckets. You will get surprised by seeing this new term. Let me explain the bucket concept by giving simple example.

suppose you kept bucket sizes as 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000.

  • Now, if your cluster is 3, then it will show 3.
  • If cluster size = 8, show = 8.
  • If cluster size = 16, show = 10+.
  • If cluster size = 22, show = 20+.
  • If cluster size = 48, show = 20+.
  • If cluster size = 91, show = 50+.
  • If cluster size = 177, show = 100+.
  • If cluster size = 502, show = 500+.
  • If cluster size = 1200004, show = 1000+.

Now here, for any cluster size, the marker images that are going to be rendered will be from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10+, 20+, 50+, 100+, 200+, 500+, 1000+. As it caches the images, so this images is going to be reused. So, the time+cpu that it was using for creating new images is lowered(only few images required to be created).

You must have got the idea, about buckets now. As, if cluster is having very small number, then cluster size matters, but if increases, then bucket size is enough to get idea about cluster size.

Now, question is how to achieve this.

Actually, GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator class has already this functionality implemented, you just need to change its initialisation to this:

let iconGenerator = GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator(buckets: [ 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000])

GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator class have other init methods, by using which you can give different background colors to different buckets, different background images to to different buckets and many more.

Let me know, if any further help required.

CLLocationManager is slow getting location, Swift

Try setting the accuracy and use locationManager.startUpdatingLocation(). I do that, and get answer within a second (on the device).

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