Swift Setting Badge Value for Uitabbaritem

Swift setting Badge Value for UITabBarItem

Xcode 7.2.1 Swift 2.1.1

You just have to set the badgeValue for your desired UITabBarItem as follow:

tabBarController?.tabBar.items?[4].badgeValue = "1"   // this will add "1" badge to your fifth tab bar item

// or like this to apply it to your first tab
tabBarController?.tabBar.items?.first?.badgeValue = "1st"

// or to apply to your second tab
tabBarController?.tabBar.items?[1].badgeValue = "2nd"

// to apply it to your last tab
tabBarController?.tabBar.items?.last?.badgeValue = "Last"

To remove a badge from the UITabBarItem just add nil value to it

tabBarController?.tabBar.items?.first?.badgeValue = nil

Set UITabBarItem badge value in appDelegate

Going on the assumption that your root view controller is actually the tab bar controller, you need to change:

if let tabBarController = rootViewController.tabBarController {


if let tabBarController = rootViewController as? UITabBarController {

How to set the tab bar badge with swift?

If you got the reference to the tabBarController (e.g. from the UIViewController) you can do the following:

if let tabItems = tabBarController?.tabBar.items {
// In this case we want to modify the badge number of the third tab:
let tabItem = tabItems[2]
tabItem.badgeValue = "1"

From a UITabBarController it would be tabBar.items instead of tabBarController?.tabBar.items

and to delete the badge:

tabItem.badgeValue = nil

Setting badge value in UITabBarItem in UIViewController

Yes, i got the answer.

[[self navigationController] tabBarItem].badgeValue = @"3";

Set TabBar Item badge count with SwiftUI

Currently, SwiftUI don't have badge feature so we must custom.

Reference HERE I create My tabar with badge

struct ContentView: View {
private var badgePosition: CGFloat = 2
private var tabsCount: CGFloat = 2
@State var selectedView = 0
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading) {
TabView {
Text("First View")
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "list.dash")
Text("Second View")
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "star")

ZStack {

.font(Font.system(size: 12))
.frame(width: 15, height: 15)
.offset(x: ( ( 2 * self.badgePosition) - 0.95 ) * ( geometry.size.width / ( 2 * self.tabsCount ) ) + 2, y: -30)

Update Tab Item Badge after getting data (Swift)

This creates

let tabBar = CustomTabBar()

a new instance instead you need

guard let tabBar = self.tabBarController as? CustomTabBar else { print("returned") ; return }

UITabBar Badge from array.count

This is the class of your view controller where you need to set badge value.

class YourViewController: UIViewController {

static weak var shared: YourViewController?

override function viewDidLoad() {

YourViewController.shared = self

public func updateBadgeValue() {

guard let array = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "yourKeyOfStoredArray") as? [Any] else { //raplace yourKeyOfStoredArray to the key you use to store the array

print("Don't have a stored array for key yourKeyOfStoredArray")

guard let items = self.tabBarController?.tabBar.items else { // Only if you use tab bar controller, if no delete this scope and uncomment next

print("Don't have tab bar controller")

guard let items = self.tabBar.items else { // replace tabBar by reffence to your tab bar @IBOutlet

print("Don't have tab bar")

let index = 0 //<-The index of the tabbar item which you need to set badge value

if items.count > index {
items[index].badgeValue = String(array.count)
} else {
print("Don't have item at index \(index)")

This is the class of view controller where you need to tap a button to update badge value of YourViewController.

class AnotherViewController: UIViewController {

@IBAction func buttonPressed() {

Adjust UITabBarItem Badge position?

I started do this cycle every time, when I change a badge value.
All is fine now, except little visible shift on start.

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